22//greasy bat spreading misery

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Steve and Natasha's POV

"I feel like a monster already. Don't make me feel worse by giving me that look," Natasha said to Steve as they sipped coffee at the breakfast nook. It had been a while since Hailey had gone back to sleep, she knew Hailey was fast asleep.

 "I'm not trying to but don't you think the whole summer is a bit much with all that happened," Steve said shrugging his shoulders.

"It is. It isn't fair, I know that already. I'm not doing it to keep her miserable. It's not a punishment, it's a precaution. If she's in our sight at all times, she will be safe," Natasha said.

"Steve, I just need her to understand. After the Red Room and the stuff that goes on at her school. She's the last part of my family that I have left and her safety-"

"I get it, I'm here too you know. You don't have to do everything alone. Hailey feels really bad already. Maybe we can ease the restrictions after a bit,"

"Yea, thanks," Natasha said truly grateful for Steve's support.

"I love you," Steve replied.

"I love you too," Natasha said back.


It took Hailey no time to determine that this summer was going to be a major decline from the previous summer. Of course, she had no one to blame but herself. It turns out that Natasha was not all bark no bite. 

All she did the entire day was sit at the dining table and do homework under Steve or Natasha's watchful gaze. She was almost done with all her homework and it was only the fourth day of summer. They'd call her out if they noticed her slacking off at all and Steve also looked over all her essays for grammar leaving her paper dripping in red ink after he was done. There was literally no way for her to respite, she had to produce work in an adequate amount of time that wasn't the bare minimum. She was just glad that they were muggles and didn't understand magic because if they did, it would be over for her.

Hailey was shocked to find herself almost counting down to the gym sessions with Natasha. Thank Merlin, they hadn't stopped this summer because they were the only exciting thing happening in her life right now.

She had tried jogging with Steve every morning but it was just impossible. Steve liked running around 40 times and in those 40 times, Hailey barely got in four and she was completely and utterly exhausted. She was ready to be carried home after the one time.

She had not even caught a glimpse of her phone in the last three days. The last time she'd been allowed to use it was just to text Kate that she couldn't reply to any texts but she was fine. She knew it was in the first drawer under the TV, Natasha had put it there in front of her but she was not allowed to use it.

And she did not dare sneak around anymore. Those days were loooooong gone. She was a changed person now.

Hailey put her quill down and stretched her hands. Her fingers were cramping from writing so much. She glanced at the window that looked out into the backyard. Oh, the weather was so nice today, even doing yardwork would be so much more pleasurable than this.

Last summer, Natasha and her had almost never let a good day go to waste.

She sighed in frustration and leaned back in her chair.

Natasha glanced up from her laptop when she heard Hailey sigh. Her heart constricted, poor child. If she was in Hailey's place, she certainly would have hated this. She would've fought tooth and nail to be able to do as she pleased and Hailey hadn't even put up a fight. She'd barely complained and had worked diligently for the past four days. Natasha supposed the teen deserved a break.

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