33//the party

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A/N: I included the fight scene above because it is literally one of my favorites! Hope you like it too.

The past few missions had been successful and all of the HYDRA bases had been conquered. They had also successfully secured whatever important thing was in that silver box that Hailey could not stop thinking about.

For the first time in days, Hailey had been left alone with clear instructions to do just homework but she had been staring up at the ceiling, her edited Transfiguration essay discarded on her desk. It was her last essay that Steve had edited and she needed to write out the edited version. She had finished all of that work, she deserved to celebrate too.

Hailey could hear the party going on underneath her but she was not interested in that party. She had seen the setup, it was just a bar with couches and a billiard table. No balloons, no food, no decoration, and music to a volume that was barely distinguishable.

It was the silver box that she really wanted to see. It was this unexplainable, uncontrollable urge to get a closer look but she knew she was not allowed. It was one thing to break curfew but messing with Avengers' Classified business could get her in serious trouble.

And after an hour of debating and doubting, she decided that one peek and she would be done. Nothing more. Besides, no one had specifically forbidden her and they would never know.

She tiptoed down the stairs and got a glimpse of the party where she clearly saw Natasha and Steve flirting with each other as if they were not already engaged. Natasha looked gorgeous and they both looked so happy. A smile made its way onto Hailey's as she continued to the lab quietly.

The silver box was no longer there but she knew exactly what had been in that box. 

Displayed in the center of the room,  was a scepter shaped more like a sword with a gold handle and a silver blade. The most beautiful part was the blue gem encrusted in the middle that gleamed in the bright lab light as she had never seen before.

She took a step closer and stopped as the blue gem suddenly opened and a yellow stone presented itself.

Hailey was star-struck by the stone and she did know why because she was not a jewel lover like Parvati Patil was but she had this unexplainable urge to touch it. As she moved her fingers closer, a tingling sensation took over her entire body.

Just as her fingers came in contact with the yellow stone, she felt an immense amount of pain and energy surge through her body in a split second. She screamed as she flew back and hit the wall. She looked at the scepter and the yellow stone was gone again. Had she imagined it?

Hailey barely had time to collect herself as she saw the silent alarms go off in the lab. She wondered for a moment if it was her that caused the breach but a creepy metal creature hauling toward her through the corridor confirmed otherwise.

She wasn't even thinking as she put her hands in front of her and somehow the creature blasted away and broke into pieces. Hailey did not have time to think about how she managed that without her wand- which she had forgotten in her holster, on her desk. Professor Lupin would feed her to these creatures if he found out she had been careless yet again with her wand DESPITE the holster.

She ran out of there and toward the party to warn the others. She had a nasty feeling that was not the last of them.

The party had finished. Thank Merlin, all the guests had cleared out leaving just the residents of the compound. They were all sitting around a table sipping on their drinks and chatting.

A worried expression bore their faces as they saw Hailey crash into the room in her pajamas practically panting.

"Is everything alright," Natasha asked cupping Hailey's cheek.

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