9//breakfast in bed

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Earlier that morning, Natasha dropped Peter off after insuring his injuries had healed properly. Since that was taken care of, Hailey wanted to talk to Natasha but she had been simply instructed to go to sleep.

She wished Natasha would just get it over and done with but waiting for her impending doom was making everything harder. She was being crushed with guilt. Not just guilt from yesterday but also guilt from the day at the park where she had lied to Natasha. 

Needless to say, Hailey did not sleep well at all. She woke up within a few hours, still tired but unable to sleep. She waited for a couple of minutes before getting off the bed and washing up.

She went downstairs to see Natasha already up and making breakfast but Hailey could not eat. She waited nervously until Natasha brought up the topic.

"You want to talk about yesterday?" Natasha asked. Hailey was almost relieved Natasha was not as mad as she thought she would be but then again, it was really hard to tell what Natasha was thinking.

"Yes. I'm sorry, really am sorry. I broke curfew regardless of what happened to Peter or not." Hailey said.

"Is 10:00 an unreasonable time for me to expect a barely thirteen-year-old to be home by?" Natasha asked.

"No..." Hailey replied.

"And then?"

"I took the shortcut," she began tracing the patterns of the wooden table top.


"Involved myself in a dangerous situation," Hailey said. She felt like a complete idiot. She kept mucking things up despite how wonderful Natasha had been. Life at Privet Drive seemed so far away but it would do her well to remember that it was only a few weeks ago.

"You broke half the rules," Natasha said. Hailey wished she would just yell but she didn't. She remained calm and recounted everything  Hailey did wrong which made her want to fall into a ditch.

Now would be a good time to come clean, Hailey decided.

"I lied as well..." she confessed, invested in the wooden pattern of the tabletop.

"About?" Natasha asked turning toward her.

"The day I was at the park. I didn't lose track of time, I saw Peter getting bullied so I kinda got involved and helped him. That's how I knew him but uh I had my wand and they weren't armed but I thought you'd be mad and in the heat of the moment, I lied," Hailey confessed.

Now, this was news to Natasha. She had never thought Hailey would lie to her and somehow, not being trusted enough to be told the truth hurt terribly.

"I really am sorry. I promise it won't happen again. I won't lie again or break any of the rules," Hailey promised.

"From now on, you will be leaving the house with me and coming back with me. No exceptions. Are we clear?" Natasha asked. Hailey's already low mood plummeted. She would have to cancel all plans with Kate but she supposed it was fair. She nodded miserably.

"And to occupy your time, you can start by washing the car and weeding the garden. Finish eating your breakfast and I'll call you in for lunch," Natasha instructed.

"Are you still mad?" Hailey asked carefully.

"No," Natasha replied. "I'm not mad,"

Hailey slid out of her chair and left the kitchen. Natasha called after her to finish eating her breakfast which made her feel even worse.

"'M not hungry," she replied and went outside. 

How did she always muck everything up? She was living a perfect life away from the Dursleys in New York. She got to learn new things, visit all these amazing places and even go out with friends but no, she just loved washing cars and weeding gardens so much. No wonder, she always ended up in the same spot no matter what.

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