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"That was SO SO stupid. I TOLD you to keep your fucking head down." Grace whispered through gritted teeth. "You are unbelievably stupid-" she continued until Hailey cut her off.

"It was worth the shot. He's bluffing. He hasn't got Natasha," Hailey whispered back. She trusted Grace and perhaps only Grace in this entire place.

"Wait. What? You said he did. How can you be sure?" Grace asked coming closer so no one could hear. 

"When he showed me, Natasha, the first time tied up on video, I was already really scared because of everything that had happened. He had killed a woman right here in front of me and I was having a panic attack. I couldn't think straight and I was automatically cursing myself and whatnot. ANYWAYS- I didn't notice earlier how young she looked or how her arm gash was missing, now when he threatened me again, I realized he hadn't got her. He's bluffing and I'm free to attempt escape without worrying about Natasha," Hailey explained.

"You're so smart. So what's the plan now? Do you have something in mind?" Grace asked. She was trying to mask her hope through a casual tone but for the first time, Hailey could feel Grace becoming hopeful. Hailey felt happy that she had been the one to give Grace that but at the same time, she was under pressure to make sure she lived up to it.

"What is pheromonal?" Hailey asked remembering what Dreykov had let slip.

"Why?" Grace asked.

"Because Dreykov said that the suits had Phermonal locks to prevent 'his' widows from attacking him," Hailey explained.

"Pheromones are like hormones but on the outside of your body. That's what it is! You can harm him if you can smell him," Grace explained. "And I think it's the same with every instructor because about a year ago Miko and her group tried to attack the karate instructor. They'd planned everything out but none of them could physically hurt them. They were put into solitary, that's how I heard about it."

"Well he smells nasty, I can smell him from a mile away," Hailey said.

Hailey lay on the bed and stared up at the ceiling to come up with something. If only she hadn't been so goddamn stupid to leave her wand. She could easily block her nose with a spell-

 Hailey sat up thinking she had come up with a brilliant plan, "What if I just hold my breath?"

"That wouldn't work dumbass. Your olfactory bulb will still process and understand the smell," Grace said. Hailey could practically see her rolling her eyes.

"Okay," Hailey said. "Nerd." she added barely loud enough for Grace to her. They decided it was time to go to sleep. They were woken up inhumanely early, they got barely five hours anyway.

"Haileyy! Hailey!" Grace whispered urgently. She tapped on the wall between them an hour later. Hailey woke up and rubbed her eyes sleepily.

"What is it?" Hailey whispered back a little annoyed. She was exhausted, not to mention starving and sleep-deprived.

"You need to damage your central nerve. If you damage it temporarily, like bang your head or something hard enough then, you can't smell them. If you can't smell them, you can attack them despite the suit and they can't control hundreds of girls especially if we're fast enough," Grace whispered back urgently.

Hailey could barely hide her excitement at the idea of being able to run free. She could only imagine what Grace felt like after being stuck for two years.

"We can inform everyone at lunch," Hailey said.

"No. Did you not see the guards? There are at least ten of them with their guns pointed. If chaos ensues, they'll open fire. That's too big of a risk," Grace explained.

Hailey Potter: Summer Adventures (harry potter x marvel)Where stories live. Discover now