32//enhanced individuals

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Mr. Barton and Auntie Yelena had not returned until two days passed and Hailey finally got to breathe after they let her know what happened.

"Was Kate okay? They had their differences but she loved her mom. How did she take to finding out that her mother had killed people? I really wish I could be there for her," Hailey had rambled as soon as they arrived.

"I'd say she took it pretty well," Auntie Yelena replied nonchalantly. Hailey could not imagine the shock she went through. She had texted Kate through Natasha's phone letting her know that she was still available to talk if need be but she had just replied saying she was okay.

"Where is she now? With Jack?" Hailey asked.

"No, Kate was sent to live in Rochester with her closest living relatives for the time being. We might arrange to file for emancipation or temporary custody because the people she is currently living with want her to move schools which she is absolutely against. Also, Elenor revealed the location of copies of transaction records that were enough to take down the entire racket," Mr. Barton explained to her.

Hailey was relieved to hear this. She hoped it worked out for Kate and she was surely going to stay in touch but there was little else she could do.


The days passed by fairly quickly at the compound even though she was still on strict restriction because whenever any of the Avengers were babysitting, they made sure she wasn't completely miserable. She still worried about Kate but after hearing back from her best friend being completely okay (on a phone call), she worried less.

The only downside in the past few days was that Legilimency and Occulemency. She understood the theory but it wasn't working in practice. Especially Occulemency, something she learned Snape excelled at and she would definitely be tested once she got back.

Hailey faked a few charts entailing exercises she simply had not done (there were over sixteen exercises that needed to be repeated multiple times over the course of months) and then pulled out her Transfiguration essay. She had about two feet left and that was the last essay of this ginormous pile.

But she could no longer concentrate on that.

Currently, she was sitting with Agent Maria Hill in the monitor room looking through the live cams of all the Avengers and the real action had just begun.

"Shit," Mr. Stark cursed as he bumped into an invisible forcefield on the base.

"Language!" Steve corrected right away causing both Agent Hill and Hailey to giggle. "JARVIS, what's the view from upstairs?"

"The central building is protected by some kind of energy shield. Strucker's technology is well beyond any other HYDRA base we've taken." JARVIS said through their earpiece.

"Loki's scepter must be here. Strucker couldn't mount this defense without it. At long last." Thor said.

Natasha knocked off several soldiers in a few seconds EFFORTLESSLY. Natasha was so cool, Hailey loved her aunt so much.

"'At long last' is lasting a little long, boys," Natasha said. Hailey wanted to be just like her when she grew up.

"Yeah. I think we lost the element of surprise," Mr. Barton said as several shots were fired directly at him. Hailey saw it first and had to close her eyes.

"Wait a second. No one else is going to deal with the fact that Cap just said 'language?'" Mr. Stark said. Hailey was still waiting for her plan to work- it was taking way too long. 

"I know," Steve said as he threw his bike at some soldiers driving up in their truck. "It just slipped out."

Just then, her plan began working. Through a different view of the cameras, she saw a small trail of tiny, shiny flakes coming out of Mr. Stark's Ironman suits. Then, more glitter started spilling out.

Hailey Potter: Summer Adventures (harry potter x marvel)Where stories live. Discover now