25//lucky the pizza-dog

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"Ok, we go our own way and try to figure out as much as we can and in two hours or so, we meet back out here," Kate said as they got out of the cab and walked into the party. They fake-smiled at all the guards at the entrance as they walked into the main room.

"If there is trouble just call me ok?"

Hailey nodded and they both separated, going their own way.

The place was filled with people all of whom radiated an air of authority and wealth. Hailey took a deep breath, if she wanted to blend in she needed to do the same. She straightened up and walked amongst the people with confidence she most definitely did not possess at this time.

She peered at Kate who was already talking to a man across the hallway. Kate was always so confident, even if she had moments of weakness, she knew what she wanted and she knew she could get it. Hailey was never that sure. All of her achievements came down to either luck or Hermione and Ron. Even though people gave her all the credit and named her the hero, she didn't feel that way.

Kate had shown her a picture of Jack so she would know when she saw him, until then all she had to do was blend in. She surveyed the crowd when her eyes were met with a familiar pair of olive green eyes.

What the fuck was Yelena doing here?

And judging by her face, it was clear that she had recognized Hailey. Yelena turned toward her direction and Hailey sped off the other way.

How did she literally always have the worst luck possible?

"Shit," she cursed as she bumped into a man in front of her.

"Sorry sir, that was my fault," she quickly apologized and then took a look at the man. His all-too-familiar streak of white hair and thick mustache made him easy to recognize. Oh yes. Jack had walked right into her?! This was easy peasy lemon squeezy. She smiled, forgetting all about Yelena.

"It's no problem, young lady," he said with a smile that was just so...so...so genuine?! Hailey narrowed her eyes at the man. Of course, Ms. Bishop fell for him, he put on a pretty good show. If Hailey didn't already know that Jack was a fishy man, she never would have suspected it.

"Well, I'll be on my way," he said walking away in the other direction. Hailey pulled out her phone and texted Kate. They would have to come up with a better communication system. This was too risky.

She followed Jack, making sure to keep a safe distance so as to not get caught. The man entered the wine cellar along with a few other men and women. Hailey texted her location to Kate and walked in with the other men and women, holding her head high.

She soon realized it was an auction and panic began rising within her as she realized that not only was this an illegal auction but she was also stuck here in between two old men in suits. Everyone here was pretty old, well into their forties at least and it did not need a professional to tell her that even on top of the layers of makeup caked to her face, she did not even pass as thirty. On top of that, she had never been to an auction before. She didn't how these worked or how suspicious it would be if she got up in the middle of it.

And how weird would it be to pull out your phone in the middle of this?

No one was looking at her right now but if she got up, everyone would.




She let out a string of curse words under her breath that Steve would surely reprimand her for. Kate would have to be her saving grace now and until then she would keep an eye on Jack. He had already proved that there was something fishy about him by coming to this illegal auction. She just had to get a bit more. Then, they could gather evidence, show Kate's mom, and be done with this.

Hailey Potter: Summer Adventures (harry potter x marvel)Where stories live. Discover now