23//in it together

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The past few weeks were miserable at best. Kate had asked to keep Hedwig for a few days for an art project so her only companion in her misery was also gone.

Okay, well that was an exaggeration. The essays and charts Snape had assigned were tedious and boring but with every lesson, there was a practical component. Like brewing the specific potion or casting said charm.

That was most definitely the enjoyable part, especially because these were not standard textbooks. These textbooks seemed to have been revised with precise instructions that were easy to follow. Hailey managed to learn a lot of it, the only thing she was having major trouble with was Occulemency. 

Perhaps, if she tried a little harder, she might have been able to succeed but she didn't really feel like concentrating in the summer heat while she could be pitying herself with a tub of ice cream.

Then, the misery was toned down a little bit. Due to Hailey's perfect behavior, she was allowed her phone back. She would spend the morning working and then they would spend the evenings together.

They would watch movies together and get Steve caught up to some pop culture just like Hailey had been caught up last summer and baseball games became more frequent as well which definitely helped Hailey improve a lot. These were quite possibly the best moments of her life and she counted down the seconds until all of them were done with work and they could spend time together.

Though, Hailey's favorite part was the weekly visits to the ice cream shop around the corner. Every Sunday, they would walk together to get ice cream. There were thirty-one flavors and Hailey was determined to try every single one but Steve and Natasha stuck to the classics.

And today was going to be another amazing day because Kate was finally coming over. They hadn't talked properly in forever- practically since last Christmas.

When the doorbell rang later that day, Hailey jumped off the couch and whipped the door open. Kate barely waited for the door to open before jumping onto Hailey, nearly knocking the wind out of her. They both fell to the floor laughing.

"God, I missed you so much!" they chorused together. "I have so much to tell you!" 

They got up and chuckled at their synchronized excitement.

"I am guessing Kate is here," Natasha called out, amused from the other room. Before Hailey could reply, Natasha came out to greet Kate.

"Can we go upstairs, Natasha?!" Hailey asked excitedly.

"You can, do you want me to send any snacks? Kate's favorite jam-filled biscuits, maybe?" Natasha asked.

"I'm not really h-"

"Of course!" Kate replied, cutting Hailey off. The latter rolled her eyes as Kate thanked Natasha and they went upstairs.

"Don't get into any trouble, girls," Natasha called after them as they reached Hailey's room.

"We won't!" They replied.

Hailey opened the door to her room, pleasantly surprised to find her snowy owl back in her suspended cage. Hedwig had outgrown her small cage and the bigger cage took up too much space on her desk so Steve had suspended the cage from the ceiling beside her desk and Hailey had decorated the rope with fake vines.

As soon as she saw Hailey, Hedwig swooped out of her cage and flew to Hailey nipping her affectionately.

"She was such a sweet little thing. I'm sure it was so boring to sit at the same spot for hours," Kate said patting the owl.

"What did you need her for anyways?" Hailey asked taking a seat on her bed.

"For my Art culminating project. We had to do a live painting and I didn't want to do an apple or a pear so I sent for Hedwig," Kate explained and flipped over the canvas she was holding to show Hailey which she had completely missed.

Hailey Potter: Summer Adventures (harry potter x marvel)Where stories live. Discover now