31//the real culprit

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The next day, they had to move to the Avengers' Compound for a bit since Steve and Nat had a few missions they needed to complete over the span of a few days. 

Natasha and Steve had left for their own missions. Mr. Barton was doing his own thing around central New York City. Mr. Banner was in the laboratory with Dr. Cho the entire time.

Can you guess what that means?

Mr. Stark was the only one at the compound free to babysit her for the next two days. 

Was the compound big enough that they could both pick separate corners and live peacefully?


Will Mr. Stark let her live peacefully?

Absolutely not.

"So? You're grounded? Tsk. Tsk. Tsk." He says lifting and opening the front of his helmet to talk. Mr. Stark was flying around the building, specifically in the too-large white room that was supposed to be a conversation area connected to Mr. Stark's room but was converted into a makeshift bedroom for Hailey so she could be under Mr. Stark's careful gaze at all times.

 Mr. Stark- the only babysitter Natasha could find. Seriously.

He glanced over her shoulder to see what she was working on and with the number of dates on the paper, he guessed correctly.

"History?!" he laughed. "For all the money my father had, I couldn't buy out of that one. BUUUT at least it was only during the school year and I didn't have to study during the summer,"

"See I've never been grounded for a whole month- No that's a lie but I've never been grounded for the WHOLE SUMMER," he laughed.

Hailey shot daggers as she tried to concentrate on her four-foot essay on the  Salem Witch Trials. She still had the Goblin Revolution to work on after this. History of Magic was now the biggest chunk of work she had left. Snape only assigned useful subjects that she could see herself using like Charms, Potions, DADA, Transfiguration, and Herbology but the excessive amount of irrelevant History of Magic work was assigned out of pure malice.

She looked at her third attempt at keeping a Shrivelfig alive. She had a newfound appreciation for Neville after trying to keep a single plant alive and failing again and again. She had to keep it alive for at least long enough to harvest it so she could have something to show Snape.

This was definitely the worst part of her restriction and she was counting the days until it was over.

"Who would want to do that much homework in the summer? Imagine all the fun things we could be doing right now if you were not grounded," Mr.Stark continued.

Actually, Hailey knew who. Hermione.

As a matter of fact, Hermione had written back asking Hailey to provide her with the work Professor Snape had assigned so she could get an adequate amount of practice because an internship at the Ministry of Magic was not enough.

To add insult to injury, Hailey had found out that Ron and Hermione were together right now. They invited her too but she couldn't make it. Hopefully, she could go near the end of summer to watch the World Cup.

Mr. Stark then flew out of the window and hovered close.

"Too bad you can't do this. It is so much fun," he said flying away.

Hailey had enough.

She rummaged through her trunk and pulled out her shrunken Firebolt. Hailey debated whether a bit of supervised flying would make Natasha and Steve mad. Likely not and if they said not to do it again, she won't.

Hailey Potter: Summer Adventures (harry potter x marvel)Where stories live. Discover now