39//diagon alley

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Steve had hurried them over to the airport at least six hours before the flight was due to take off. Not only that, while going through security, he acted like every minute they delayed could be the moment the plane took off (they had over five hours left). Hailey had not once touched her passport and related documents during the entire check-in. 

Finally, they waited in the lounge before their take off where Steve relaxed for the first time in the whole day. Hailey looked around at the empty lounge, not a single soul lurked nearby and the vast airport around her was empty.

It was official, Steve had become...an AIRPORT DAD. He even had the knee-length cargo shorts and fanny pack with hideous shoes to complete the package. Both Hailey and Natasha agreed as they waited the next four hours and forty-seven minutes before boarding.

The plane ride had been over eight hours long and since they had been woken up at 5 AM, Hailey took this time to catch up to her beauty sleep.

They landed in London well-rested and energized the next morning, ready to conquer the school list. Hailey would also get to show Steve and Natasha around at Diagon Alley.

"Hiya there, Potter! I see you've brought-" he stopped instantly freezing when he saw Natasha. Hailey hadn't thought about that, everyone would likely freak out when they saw Natasha since they knew her mother Lily, who had been dead for years.

"This is Natasha, my aunt and this is Steve, her fiance" Hailey said unsure of exactly who Steve was to her. 

"Oh," he scoffed in relief. "I thought for a second that- never mind that. Care for some breakfast?"

"Honestly yes, I am so hungry and we need a room for the day," Hailey said.

"I'll get the room ready, please have a seat," he said pointing to a vacant table at the small cafe.

"He thought I was Lily," Natasha stated and Hailey confirmed. They chose not to speak again as both Hailey and Natasha steeled themselves to receive peculiar looks today. It wasn't that bif of a deal, Hailey decided. She was accustomed to looks as the 'girl who lived' and so was Natasha as a literal Avenger.

Hailey settled on a light breakfast with some tea and biscuits while Steve and Natasha dug into a plate of scrambled eggs. They finished fast and Tom got one of the day maids to take their luggage upstairs to a room. They paid and thanked Tom before Hailey tapped her wand on one of the bricks just like Hagrid had shown her four years back.

And there it was Diagon Alley in all it's glory.

 The last time she had entered was the previous Summer after blowing up Aunt Marge and running away from Privet Drive.

That seemed like an age away. So much had changed since then and all for the better.

She stepped into the small street as Natasha and Steve looked around, fascination twinkling in their eyes.

She stepped into the small street as Natasha and Steve looked around, fascination twinkling in their eyes

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Hailey Potter: Summer Adventures (harry potter x marvel)Where stories live. Discover now