35//ultron's vision

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In hindsight, her plan was not just impulsive, it was also just bad.

She had been sitting in the jet listening to their plans about Dr. Cho and Ultron and the problematic twins. She had missed her window a long time ago when Mr. Stark and Dr. Banner had flown away (using the Ironman suits) and she found out only later that they had headed toward the compound.

Any moment now, the others on the jet could catch her and she knew none of them would find this humourous. 

As they headed to Seoul, Korea, Hailey cursed herself. It had never occurred to her that they might not be going straight to the Avengers' compound or even to New York (at all). Her hair-brained plan had been to land at the compound and floo to the Burrow where she would spend the rest of the Summer because she was done with the hypocritical ways of Steve and Natasha.

She had gotten herself stuck in one of the stickiest situations she had ever been and for Merlin's sake, she was Hailey Potter.

She listened closely as they recited their final (tentative) plan before Natasha and Steve exited the plane. Mr. Barton stayed on the plane and Hailey decided that staying on was probably the best option in this situation.

The next few minutes were tense as she only heard part of what was going on but did not dare to move so she could see for herself. Apparently, Dr. Cho had been impaled and Steve and Natasha were going after Ultron who had run away with the cradle. That was all she caught from Mr. Barton's words, she could not hear the other side.

Soon, the plane's rear opened. A strong breeze blew in as Hailey tried to hold her invisibility cloak in place.

"I have a clear path, how should I receive it?" Mr. Barton spoke through the comms.

Hailey wondered for a second what it was they were talking about receiving and the next second she saw it. A large cradle from a flying box about to fall into their plane with a tiny Natasha on it.

The cradle hit the back of the plane when a bot flew behind Natasha and grabbed a hold of her. it looked much different and much scarier than the first ones that had shown up at the party.

Hailey reacted without thinking as she ran toward Natasha (and the box) holding onto a handle on the plane so she wouldn't slip and fall herself. She only managed to hold onto the top of the cradle as Natasha was taken off by the bot.

"NO!" She screamed as she hauled the box onto the plane and the back closed.

"He took Natasha!" Hailey exclaimed. Mr. Barton glanced at her and the cradle before speaking into the comms.

"Cap, do you have eyes on Nat? Eyes on Nat?" he repeated. 

"Shit!" he cursed.

Even though Hailey did not hear what was said on the other side, it did not take a genius to deduce that no one had eyes on Natasha.

"Will she be okay?" Hailey asked hopefully.

"Cap is going after her after Dr. Cho is taken care of," Mr. Barton said. "I'm sure she will be fine,"

"But what if...Ultron hurts her?" Hailey voiced her thoughts out loud and it was a huge mistake. Vivid images of her aunt being tortured by Ultron popped into her head no matter how hard she tried to push them away.

"Have you met Natasha?" Mr. Barton scoffed. She didn't know if he was convincing himself or if he was convincing her. "She'll be fine, kid."

Hailey said nothing and sat back down on her seat rolling up her cloak and securing it.

"But you should know better than to sneak on this jet," Mr. Barton said to her after a minute. Hailey could hear the displeasure in his voice.

"I just wanted to go back to the compound 'cause..." Hailey trailed off. She did not want to confront Mr. Barton right now.

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