6//fencing classes

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The doorbell rang and Hailey got up to get the door as she was just surfing on YouTube while Natasha was busy in the kitchen.

"No! I'll get it, stand away from the door," Natasha said hurrying out of the kitchen. She wiped her hands on her apron and opened the front door carefully after motioning for Hailey to back away.

Natasha opened the door and checked outside. Hailey tiptoed to get a closer look at who was ringing. Surprisingly enough, no one was there. Just a package from Whamazon addressed to Natalie Romanova.

"Who's Natalie?" Hailey asked.

"Me," Natasha replied. 

"It's just a fake name to protect my identity online," she added after seeing the confusion on Hailey's face.

"Can I open it?" Hailey asked. 

"No it could be a bomb," Natasha said in a tone that freaked Hailey out. Why would anyone send a bomb their way? Natasha was a scientist and Voldemort and his minions had much better ways to kill/ torture. 

She carefully cut open the tape and opened the box. Natasha breathed a sigh of relief as she looked inside. Hailey peered in after her but she didn't understand what it was.

"Oh," she sighed. "Silly me. I forgot. This is for you, go ahead. You can open it,"

"You ordered it?" Hailey asked. Natasha nodded in reply and slid the box closer to Hailey.

"Jeez, you're so paranoid. You scared me for a second," Hailey said opening the rather big and heavy box. She pulled out a white shirt and pants made out of weird material, a helmet, gloves, a sword (literally why?), and a duffel bag.

"It's standard fencing gear. What day is it today- the 17th? Right? Your classes start on the 19th" Natasha informed.

"I am very confused. Classes? Fencing gear?" Hailey asked with no clue of what was going on.

"I enrolled you into a Fencing club to pass your time and this is the standardized gear required for the classes," Natasha said. "We can't have you rotting your brains out on that phone" 

"I can't go fencing!" Hailey said. While sword-fighting sounded cool she knew she couldn't handle it. Besides Natasha was already pushing it with her 'little' training sessions. Although they were fun and cool, they were still exhausting and it isn't like she didn't have a wand on her or Voldemort was going to ditch his wand for some karate.

"Why not?" Natasha asked.

"'Cause I have homework!" Hailey said. It was true, she did have homework which 19 days in, she hadn't bothered touching.

"Clearly not enough. Look I am not doing this as revenge. Fencing has to be my favorite combat- it's not very practical but it's fun besides you just tend to go looking for trouble-"

"I don't go looking for trouble. It finds me," Hailey couldn't resist.

"Ok, whatever you say. The point is fencing will be good for you. It improves quick thinking, agility, poise, and speed. If you don't like it after you give it a try for a minimum of 3 weeks, I won't make you go," Natasha said. She might've missed the part where she was supposed to inform Hailey that the course was only 4 weeks but oh well, it slipped her mind.

"I'll goooooo," she sulked. "But I don't have to like it,"

"You don't have to," Natasha agreed. 

"But you do have to try your best, I will be making sure you apply yourself in that class," she added. Hailey groaned in response but nodded.

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