27//not a fragile little thing

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Hailey was curled up with Lucky staring at the digital alarm clock by her bed. Exactly seventeen minutes had passed when she heard a knock on her door. She didn't want to talk to any of the adults in the house right now but she knew it was more than likely that they would still walk into the room to talk to her.

She fished out the invisibility cloak that she had moved to the top of her trunk after taking in Lucky and covered Lucky with it. She kissed him quickly and placed him in Hedwig's cage which was an ample amount of room for the small pup (despite how much of a monster she felt like for doing such a thing).

"I don't want to talk," she replied to the knocking as she curled back up on the bed but this time with her unicorn pillow that she had bought for the sole reason that it was the cool flip-sequins themed.

If you ran your hand down one way, it showcased a winking emoji on a bright purple background and the other showed a unicorn on a bright magenta background. It went with nothing in the room but had to be one of her favorite things.

As predicted, Natasha walked in anyway and rolled her desk chair in front of her bed so she could sit and talk to Hailey.

Hailey turned around to the door side and stared at the posters she had glued to the wall using the best-sticking charm she could find. One of them was a Gryffindor poster, the other was a poster of Holyhead Harpies (which she secretly loved more than Chudley Canons but did not want to tell Ron) and the last poster was of Justin Bieber on the cover of a magazine in which he described his dream girl. Of course, Hailey had two copies of that magazine, one as a backup in case tragedy struck to the first.

"Hey, can you sit up and talk to me please," Natasha said. 

Natasha just had to know that Hailey always listened to her when she used that tone because it made her feel like an asshole if she didn't but Hailey was REAL mad this time. So she sat up on her bed but did not face Natasha.

"I'm not really sure how things escalated a few minutes ago and I really did not mean to accuse you," Natasha said sincerely. Hailey was going to give her a full head of grey hair before she turned eighteen. God, this talking about her feelings thing was so stressful.

"Is there something else that's bothering you?" Natasha asked after Hailey had not replied.

"No," Hailey replied curtly.

"I think you don't like Yelena very much," Natasha said once again.

"Do I have to?" Hailey replied sharply.

"Can we talk without you taking jabs at me?" Natasha asked exasperated.

Hailey's mouth closed and her jaw clenched.

"You don't have to like Yelena but you do have to be respectful towards her- I get it, she's a little pushy and I already told her not to force you to spend time with her if you don't like it but you can't talk to grown-ups that way, Hailey," Natasha said.

It wasn't a scolding and Natasha wasn't saying anything unreasonable which made her all the madder because now she didn't have much of a justification for how she behaved downstairs. It was like she had totally overreacted and was the reason behind everything escalating.

"I still need to ask you where you were last night," Natasha said.

"Kate's house. As I said many times. You can call Kate's mum and ask if you want," Hailey said and instantly regretted her words. If Natasha called Ms. Bishop, Hailey would be a total goner and it would put Kate in trouble too because Ms. Bishop would just tell Natasha that they were not at her penthouse, in fact, she had been told that Kate was the one sleeping over.

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