19//the wildest proposal

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Steve and Nat's POV.

It was the most amazing moment of their entire life and probably the most unexpected time Steve could propose to her. Saying she was surprised was a gross understatement.

After all, they had just taken down HYDRA (and S.H.I.E.L.D too in the process) and they were fighting the Winter Soldier just a few seconds ago. The buildings behind them were blowing up and billions of dollars in equipment were gone when Steve pulled out the ring on the helicopter.

Well, Steve and Fury were on the helicopter, and Natasha was holding onto Steve's hand for dear life while hanging out of the helicopter.

"Will you marry me, Natasha Romanoff?" Steve asked her (or yelled over the helicopters) taking the ring box out of his pocket and holding it up. 

"WHAT?!" Natasha exclaimed gripping Steve's hand tighter as the helicopter took a sharp turn. Fury concentrated on flying the helicopter and not on the proposal going on behind him.



"Depends on your answer Romanoff," Steve smiled which forced a smile upon the somewhat irritated Natasha as well.

"OH MY GOD, I WILL MARRY YOU ROGERS, PULL ME UP, YOU PSYCHO!" She exclaimed. That was basically the peak of Natasha Romanoff's romantic side but Steve Rogers loved her.

He pulled her up onto the helicopter and she instantly pulled in for a kiss. 

God, he did not realize how much he loved her until this very moment, and after all their (dramatic) ups and downs, she was who he wanted to live with. She was perfect in every way. Despite her past, she was easily the most caring and loving human being he knew.

"So, Natasha Romanoff, Will you marry me?" he asked once more.

On their journey to find the Winter Soldier, Natasha expressed that things were getting too serious between them and they should call it quits but Steve assured her every step of the way. Apart from the fact that she could not have kids it was a defense mechanism to push everyone away before they got close enough to see her vulnerable but she was tired of it and she was in love. She just could not back out anymore.

She was ready now.

"Yes!" She said smiling wider than ever. Steve matched her smile as he slipped the modest diamond ring onto her finger and pulled her in for another kiss.

Fury decided this was the correct time to capture the moment.


Natasha struggled to single-handedly push the massive couch.

"Please allow me, my lady," Steve said quite literally picking up the couch and taking it out to the backyard where all of their stuff was currently piled up. 

Natasha smiled as she looked around the completely empty house. She had bought the house just as it had been staged and changed nothing about it. Steve and her knew that this was their forever home, it was the perfect size and in a nice area. 

They did not exactly have the grand budget to buy new furniture but they wanted to paint the wall and add a few touches.

First activity as an official couple.

"Do you think this blue color or should we go with that one?" Natasha asked.

"They're exactly the same," Steve replied.

"Steve look closer! One of them is so much more bluer than the other one," Natasha said.

"Darling, that is because they're both blue," Steve replied completely confused. He would not know anything but the truth was that one of them was called 'Regale Blue' and the other one was called 'Something Blue'. The hardware store is not stupid enough to sell two of the same colours and besides the difference was quite obvious.

"You just are not taking this seriously enough," Natasha argued.

"You know what, you're right. It has to be this one or I will jump off the second floor," Steve replied just to please Natasha. He still did not know the difference between the two colors.

"I knew you would like that! I already bought a can in that colour," Natasha replied with a smile as they started painting. Steve rolled his eyes playfully; Natasha had already decided which colour she wanted.

Over the course of the next few days, they discussed the logistics and had several discussions that two adults moving in together would have.  It was brought up over and over again by Natasha that she could not have kids and she knew Steve probably wanted a child of his own

But Steve dismissed that completely.

They also finished painting and applying wallpaper as well as moving in the last of Steve's things. They were already done with their room and the guest room so the only thing left was the living room.

"Let's set up the glass cabinets here," Natasha said pointing to the back wall that had finally dried. "Hailey has so many trophies under her bed, we need to put them on display,"

"And right above the fireplace, let's put the big frame of the three of us," Natasha said. Steve nodded in agreement. This place felt more like home in the past few days than he had been able to feel in the past several years.

It was all coming together and Natasha was clearly in her element which he loved to witness.

"Let's start hanging up picture frames, lots of picture everywhere," Natasha added. "Hailey sent me her picture with the House Cup, we have to put that up!"

"Ofcourse, anything else I can do for you, Sweetheart?" Steve asked doing a lazy bow.

"Oh stop it," Natasha said blushing as she always did at Steve's nicknames. 

"But yes, there is one thing. Don't say anything when I say Laura did it," Natasha told him. 

"You two need to stop this game," Steve stated his honest opinion.

"It's not a game, I just don't...I don't know. Just don't tell her," Natasha said.

"When you clearly care about her, what is point of putting on that front? You lied to her about her bedroom too when you had done almost everything in that room," Steve said.

"It's not a big deal,"

"Clearly," Steve retorted.

"Hailey is just my responsibility. I have to take care of her, there is not much more to it. I just don't want her to think of me in any other way," Natasha said. She would never know that the bracelet on her hand glowed for one split second.

"It's better for her that way. You know how many enemies we make in our line of work,"

"You're being unfair, Nat to yourself and to Hailey," Steve said. 

"I just want her safe."

"And happy, you want to see her happy too," Steve said. When they were picking out pictures to put up, Natasha had specifically picked out ones where Hailey looked happy. The past few days, she had been talking about Hailey non-stop.

"Yes. If she is safe, she will be happy with or without me," She said in a slightly smaller voice. Steve pulled her into a warm embrace and said nothing else.

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