36//'my child'

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Steve and her were sticking close by before they were separated unexpectedly. Hailey lost her concentration for a moment and was swarmed by those bots all trying to attack her. She stopped with her hand and kicked the other one but she was really struggling. That was when Thor threw his hammer at one of them, crushing them effectively, and saving her.

In one split second, she blasted another with her hand and grabbed the hammer (still on the mangled robot) with her other. She raised it up high and squashed (literally) another one before throwing the hammer back to Thor.

Both Steve and Thor looked at her for a second before looking away.

She would have to remember to congratulate herself on that later. It must be a big deal if it caught the attention of the Avengers.

The moment lasted for a second before they continued the fight.

After a few minutes passed by, a dozen or so robots began running toward the group at once but they had not even begun preparing when a large bulldozer flattened them into little pancakes. Hailey's smile widened when she saw who was inside.


Natasha was safe and well. 

She parked the bulldozer and got out. The first thing the both of them wanted was a hug which they got. It had been the tightest embrace either of them had ever been; Hailey was even lifted a few inches off the ground.

It took Natasha a few seconds to realize where Hailey was currently standing: on a floating rock that would fall down at any second destroying everyone, especially the people on the rock.

"Why the fuck are you here?!" She exclaimed.

The moment she had seen Natasha safe after she was kidnapped by an android threatening to kill the planet, she had forgotten all about how she had been feeling previously. About the Red Room and her anger but Natasha clearly wasn't that happy to see her.

Hailey was not going to continue the same discussion back and forth so she left towards the center where the others were fighting to protect the core.

She used her hand to blast one of the bots while she was walking. She knew Natasha would try to send her someplace or scold her but that was only possible if Natasha had the time which Hailey knew she didn't, not in this setting where the stakes were too high.

Win or Global extinction.

"If Ultron gets a hand on the core, we lose," Mr. Stark was explaining to the team when Hailey got there. Natasha followed her shortly after.

They surrounded the core and using their strengths fought off the army of tin soldiers, together, like a team.

As bad as today was, there were definitely plus sides like knowing that so many people had her back, whether they were muggles or wizards.

Hailey was firing bombardios in every direction and then using her hands to stop the rest. She still needed to learn how to do that properly but she had never wielded her wand with more confidence than she did today.

Everyone else was doing their own thing to protect the core.

Mr. Barton fired several arrows at once, sometimes even six taking out many tin soldiers at once and that was without his trick arrows. Once he use those, the poor suckers stood no chance.

Natasha was using her taser batons, Hailey had no idea what they were called but she knew nobody who could use it better than Natasha. The bots were taken out before they even knew what was happening.

Thor with his hammer and Vision with the mind stone crushed them effectively.

Steve was doing flips in the air as he threw his shield and knocked out several at once. And once he paired with Natasha or Thor, it was game over.

Hailey Potter: Summer Adventures (harry potter x marvel)Where stories live. Discover now