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"Your birthday is nearly here, is there something you want to do for it?" Natasha asked one afternoon before movie night. It had started off on Friday as a way to pass time that night and eventually turned into a ritual and every Friday, they would turn off the lights and get comfy on the sofa to watch a new movie every time.

"Uh, I don't really know. I've never done anything for my birthday- it's always been like every other day," Hailey replied.

"But surely, you're turning thirteen. You must have some plans for your thirteenth birthday," Natasha insisted.

"I don't really know, I don't care much for them," she said. It was totally untrue. She did care for her birthdays, especially because each of Dudley's was so special but after thirteen years of experience, she knew better than to expect anything special on her birthday.

"Well, we can invite your friends over if you want. Ron, Hermione? Kate? And we can cut the cake together," Natasha said.

"I don't really want to put you through all that trouble Natasha, you've done so much already. It's unnecessary," Hailey began.

"Are you kidding? It is no trouble, we are absolutely inviting everyone over and celebrating. You can give me a list of everyone you want over and send them invites yourself," Natasha said. She had never had a childhood, let alone birthday parties. As a matter of fact, she didn't even know when her birthday was. She wanted Hailey to have all of that.

Hailey needed little prompting to start planning. Ron and Hermione were most obviously invited. Padma and Lavendar were her friends but she didn't want to invite them over all the way to New York. She had grown close to Kate over the fencing classes. Kate had even invited her over one weekend and they had spent the night binging Netflix and baking (disastrous) cookies.  Then, there was Dudley whom she desperately wanted to rub her new life into but it was her 13th birthday and it made no sense to ruin it by inviting him over. 

After debating, she decided to add Ginny to her list. They had bonded over the previous summer which they had spent sharing a room together and Ginny's first year at Hogwarts, although less than ideal had only brought them closer. 

And how could she forget Dobby?! Just the previous year, Dobby had tried saving her life--uh in creative ways that did her more harm than good (but it was the thought that counted!)

Satisfied with her small list, she handed it to Natasha.

"Dobby? What was it uh- the elf?" Natasha asked. Hailey was impressed with how many details Natasha remembered of her endless stories that she was sure just bored Natasha who went on adventures Hailey could only dream of.

"Yea, he's a house elf,"

"Are you going to tell Kate about being magical? I thought you wanted to protect the uh-Statue of Secrets," Natasha said.

Hailey mentally smacked herself. Of course! She could not tell Kate about being magical. It was against the Statue of Secrecy. It was best, she didn't invite Dobby.

"Never mind,"

"You wouldn't mind if I invited Clint over, Would you?" Natasha asked.

"Clint?" Hailey did not recognize the name.

"Remember I mentioned Laura earlier? She's Clint's wife. Clint or notoriously known as Hawkeye is one of my best friends,"

"Oh of course I don't mind, Thank you for letting me invite everyone over," Hailey replied.

"Of course," Natasha said returning back to her phone call.

Hailey hurried back to her room to write the invitations to her friends. She would give Kate her invitation tomorrow at class and she decided to text Hermione due to the lack of time and Hedwig would need time to deliver the invitation to Ron and Ginny in two days.

Hailey Potter: Summer Adventures (harry potter x marvel)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora