ilvermorny school of witchcraft and wizardry (pt. 2)

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The self-pity was wallowing her whole when she heard the door of her compartment slide open.

"Mind if I sit here?" the girl asked and hauled her trunk in without waiting for a reply. She was pretty with curly blonde hair and softer facial features contrasting with Wanda's red hair and sharp features.

"I'm Daphne Goldstein," she said

"Wanda Maximoff," Wanda replied. She wanted to crawl under the seat and hide but she forced herself to talk to Daphne.

"I'm new to this school. I used to go to Hogwarts but then we moved to Canada so this is my new school," Daphne said. Wanda should have guessed right away from the thick Irish accent.

"My friend goes to Hogwarts," Wanda said. "Maybe you've heard of her? Hailey Potter?"

"Are you kidding?!" Daphne asked. "You're friends with Potter? No way!"

"I swear," Wanda said in all seriousness, not realizing that Daphne was joking.

"Oh I'm just joking," Daphne replied. "I believe you. Potter has been living in New York over the summers. Which house are you in?"

"I'm new. Completely new," Wanda replied.

"Oh, do you know which house you will get sorted into?" Cassandra asked. Her personality was too bubbly for Wanda's taste but she was not going to be picky.

"No idea, perhaps the Thunderbird," Wanda said remembering the reading she had done to prepare herself.

"Mhm same. I was in Hufflepuff in Hogwarts and most say that Pukwudgie is the Ilvermorny equivalent but really, I kill off every plant I come in contact with and I have no healing gifts," Daphne said.

"Healing Gifts?" Wanda questioned.

"Not anybody can just be a Healer, you need to have Eir's blessings for that. It comes naturally just not to me," Daphne explained.

"I took Healing for my elective," Wanda said scared.

"Oh don't worry, I did too. It's advanced Healing that's the real problem. At that point, I will just opt out and take a spare or something. What other electives did you take?" she asked. While she was relieved to hear she didn't need talent to pass the first class, she was also bummed that healing wasn't a skill she could work hard and learn. She needed the gift and girl like her, with the kind of magic she had, she did not have those gifts.

"Healing, Maziology, Divination, and Wandless Magic,"

"The first three I get but Wandless Magic? Nobody takes that course, it is impossible. Dumbledore-type wizards can do it, not fourth-years like us. I took No-Maj studies and Ancient Runes," Daphne said.

Wanda refrained from letting Daphne know that she could already do Wandless Magic but she did not think her powers would help her make friends. The fewer people knew, the better.

Daphne kept Wanda engaged in a conversation even after Wanda's social battery had run dry. As the view changed and mountains became visible, they changed into their robes and Wanda had to say, she loved her uniform. It was so elegant and flowy. She touched the pendant around her neck and prayed for the best.

The train stopped and they all began leaving the train, instructed to leave their luggage behind. The train had stopped at the foot of the mountain and the large castle was visible at the peak of the mountain.

"I hope we're not hiking up there," Daphne said. "I miss Hogwarts,"

Turns out, Daphne's prayers had been answered. Several carriages flew down from the top and loaded several students in.  They were being pulled by a flying horse-looking creature that Wanda was there was a name for, just one she didn't know.

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