RECAP//third year

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A/N: So this is just a canon recap of the third year until Christmas through letters.

Dear Natasha,

 The first week back was absolutely horrible. I mean Hermione was very excited to see me and so was Ron and we finally have a good Defense teacher, Professor Lupin but the ministry sent new guards here because of Sirius Black.

By guards, I mean Dementors. They're not like regular guards, they suck the happiness out of you. Like you'd never ever feel happy ever again. Every time, I listen to one I hear a woman screaming but they don't affect Ron or Hermione as badly. 

Anyway, I hope they catch Black fast because I can't stand this. Sorry, my week is horrible. How is New York? 

Miss you loads,

Hailey :D


Dear Hailey,

I'm so sorry that your week is so horrible. Dementors sound like horrid little creatures. How are they even allowed in school? Don't kids go there? Sounds a bit far-fetched even for magic. 

Things are fine here in New York but a bit boring without you. Breakfast certainly isn't as lavish- I had toast today :(

Melina and Alexei got off on probation and Yelena is training with me for S.H.I.E.L.D. Grace really wanted to be able to contact you, I haven't told her anything about your magic but I did give her the address so she could send you letters herself. 

And Kate was also asking about you, she also said she'd be writing whenever she can.


Natasha (;

Also, Steve was thrilled to go through his old things to find the seal. He thinks this is the best method of communication. I may be inclined to agree.



Hailey. Hailey. What is going on with you!? Letters!? I swear to god are you in some kind of like victorian-bougie super-British high school? Not that I'm complaining. I coffee-stained this paper to get the vibe you were going for and I sacrificed my cousin's crayons for the seal.

Ok, Anyways. Nothing happening in my life bestie. Whatcha up to?

Lots of Love,

Kate xx



I told you. It's lame but I'm studying the Victorian era in depth. The boarding school takes all of this very seriously. And I can see you've coffee-stained the paper. A for effort. 

Poor kid. Why'd you have to sacrifice the glitter pink? Tape works just as well.

Don't freak out when Hedwig delivers this. You love her, I know but I don't think you ever realized that she wasn't just around for fun so yeah, don't freak out.

Nothing much is happening around here except Sirius Black was spotted and we have tight security. So annoying to be honest.

Way more love,

Hailey xxxxx


Hi Hailey,

Grace here. How are you?

I am back in Toronto. I arrived last month. I called your phone but Natasha picked up and told me to write a letter to this address. I met Kayden a few weeks ago. He's all grown up now but I can legally adopt him so I'm going to file for adoption.

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