41//cedric diggory

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Unfinalized (12/12/23)

After the first task, things had improved a lot. Apart from the Slytherins, no one else was bothering her and things had begun to go back to normal. Well, except Malfoy whose overly large ego had taken a hit after the Ferret incident, and a Malfoy without an ego twice the size of his head was far from normal. 

A pleasant change though and who was Hailey to complain?

And since Natasha had signed her permission slip for this year, she went on the Hogsmeade trip with her friends for the first time (legally). She'd also fire-called Sirius and arranged for him to meet her at the edge of the large forest near the cave he was hiding out in.

They waited until a large shaggy dog- Hailey instantly recognized as Padfoot pulled them into his cave. As soon as they were inside the cave lit only by the tip of Hermione's wand, Sirius pulled her in for a hug.

"I am so glad you're okay," he said finally letting her go. "Sorry about getting you dirty,"

And he was right. Sirius was dirty, extremely dirty. His long hair had matted and he looked like he hadn't eaten in days and the glow of Hermione's face gave him a gaunt-like appearance.

"Sirius, you don't look too well," Hailey said.

"Well, I am on the run Hailey and I live off the rats I catch. Can't steal too much from the village without them getting suspicious," Sirius shrugged and sat down on one of the stones.

Hailey, Hermione, and Ron followed. They each took a seat on one of the several stones in the cave.

"But you can't live like this," Ron said. "You might get caught and living like this?"

"And the winters are going to get worse," Hermione said.

"I'm going to stick around until the tournament is over and then, I might go somewhere else. Besides, I have Padfoot and that blanket to keep me warm," Sirius said.

"Sirius, please," Hailey said. She could not bear her godfather living like this all for her sake.

"We don't have much time. If you are gone for too long, it won't go unnoticed," Sirius said getting back to business. "Hailey, keep a lookout for Snape AND Karkaroff. They're both known  Death Eaters and I know Dumbledore trusts Snape but I don't. With Dumbledore and Moody around, I doubt anyone will be able to get to you but be careful,"

Sirius warned for the fifteenth time and Hailey listened patiently. She knew that behind all of these warnings whether it be Sirius, Natasha, or Steve, everyone meant well.

She promised him and emptied out her pockets full of all of her Honeydukes treats and handed them to Sirius. Finally, they bid him goodbye.

As soon as Hailey got to Hogwarts, she called Dobby and asked him to send meals over to Sirius carefully and discreetly.

He promised to do it as carefully as possible and make sure Sirius was well-fed. At least, Sirius would no longer be living off Rat meat and scraps the Villagers gave him. With that out of the way, Hailey made her way down to the dungeon. 

 As she neared Snape's classroom, she deliberated whether she should tell him or not. Recently, she had started feeling her magic building up inside of her and it was different from before, she could tell. Well at least, before the whole Ultron thing.

And she felt as if she could explode anytime and she had no idea where this magic was coming from. She had debated telling Dumbledore but then for some reason decided against it.

She trusted Dumbledore, she really did but something in her just told her to keep this piece of information from as many people as possible.

Merlin knows why she even thought it should be Snape she was going to confide in with this piece of information since she had not even told Sirius but the truth was, she trusted Snape. At least a little bit after their weekly lessons, he was genuinely trying to make her the best possible version she could be when it came to dueling and she had learned so much in a short period.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07 ⏰

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