Chapter 65: Harper

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A/N: Mature content.

"I want you," Jake growled out forcibly, almost possessively.

My eyes bulged at his abrupt intrusion and my outer folds stung as he rolled them inwards. All the air rushed from my lungs and they burned with each raspy, shallow breath I drew inward. He paused at the tiny whimper I bit back, so I reached down and adjusted myself around his base. While down there, my fingers dipped into the arousal that coated and warmed my skin, which pulsed around his full submersion in me.

From the fullness of him buried inside me to the base, I swore his tip poked up into my navel. My insides squeezed around him in a tight suction-like grasp as we exchanged nothing but dull, heated pulses between us.

Gone were all the signs of Jake's patience, replaced with a dark, fiery glare in his eyes that looked less like a gentle smoldering and more a powder keg primed for a spark. Tension knotted and locked up the arm muscles caged around me. With a low groan, I clenched my inner muscles down hard, which slacked Jake's jaw but he remained still.

The longer he held back, a secondary wave of tension strained Jake's body from where it loomed over mine. From the hardened look in his eyes to the small vein protruded on the side of his neck, to the warmth that radiated from his hands palmed flat on his desk beside my hips, to his clamped down abdominal muscles, Jake fought against his own restraint as he held back. His flushed-pink chest heaved as much as mine and his breath puffed out in short, hot pants that fanned over my neck and chest.

Socks were the only clothing we both wore anymore. While my nipples itched against the hard, smooth skin of his chest, he ignored them and latched his lips onto the non-sensitive side of my neck. As my pulse quickened, I slacked my neck and exhaled sharply.

This time, his lips moved slowly and patiently. His tongue dragged gently in between open-mouthed kisses that raised goosebumps on my skin and slacked my head backwards. My pulse throbbed harder in response, painfully on the side he'd attacked and softly where we stayed connected.

At his cock's lack of movement, I groaned loudly and threaded my fingers through his soft, damp hair. My fingertips rubbed over his scalp and dragged lazily over the curled strands until they slipped off.

I brushed my lips over the shell of his ear. "Fuck me already, Jake. I want -"

Right when Jake's hips drew back, a loud crack sounded underneath me. I pitched downward with a yelp as gravity took me down ass-first, feet-second. He slipped out of me completely as I tumbled onto the floor with a now broken piece of his desk buried under both my ass and my dignity.

"Oh fuck!" I cursed when hard pieces of wood cut into my butt, outer thighs, and back of my knees. A hearty laugh rose up almost as quickly as I'd fallen down when I realized Jake's desk surface had broken like the damn stone table in Narnia.

"Shit, are you okay?" Jake bent over and reached his hands to mine.

My shoulders shook and eyes beaded up with tears as I squeezed them shut and laughed harder. Once I realized none of Jake's desk stuff was damaged, only the surface, maniacal laughs erupted out of me, over and over. I laughed like a ridiculous hyena high on helium until my sides cramped and my stomach clenched painfully hard.

Delilah was right, flimsy furniture.

Once I opened my eyes and wiped them, my laughs choked up and subsided not at the surprised look Jake gave me, but the small indentation on the drywall behind him. I pointed at it with my eyes. "We did that too?"

When he nodded, I cupped my hand over my mouth against the second round of hearty laughs that bounced my shoulders.

The heated moment broken up, Jake sighed and dragged one hand through his hair. "Yeah," he admitted with a half-grin. "It was hot though."

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