Slumber Party (😼 at the end)

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You sat anxiously on the couch, waiting for your girlfriend, the well-known wrestler Rhea Ripley. She said she had plans for your night together, she hasn't told you what her intentions are yet, and she knows you don't like things being kept secret from you. She lives pretty far away from your house and it takes about an hour and a half to come see you, and that's when Rhea has enough energy to do something other than face time you before a match or when you go to bed. Sometimes you're the one to make the drive, but Rhea much preferred hanging at your house. So to have her say she's coming over, with plans, on a Tuesday evening right after RAW, she must really want to see you.

After a few more moments of scrolling through your phone in hopes to pass the time, you hear the doorbell chime through your big house. You jump up from the white couch and sprint to the front door overflowing with anticipation and excitement. You undo the lock on your door in a blur before almost throwing it open. In front of you stood your girlfriend. She was wearing a pair of black jeans with big gaping wholes in them with a striped button up. The setting sun illuminated half her face in a red and orange light that reflected off the bleached hair hanging around her eyes.

You stand in the door frame for a second, just starring at her with loving eyes. You take two large and swift steps towards her and throw your arms around her neck. Rhea bends her knees and grabs you around the thighs before lifting you up and wrapping your legs around her waist with her strong arms. You lift your head from being buried in her left shoulder and look down into her dark irises. You can never get over how lucky you are to have Rhea as a girlfriend, you were pretty much the luckiest person in the world the day she admitted that she shared the same feeling you do. You lay in bed sometimes, unable to sleep with one leg out of the sheet, a bruise on your arm from a previous fight, the soft whooshing noise of cars driving past. You think about Rhea, how much you're obsessed over her every element. Then you just roll over smiling to yourself while falling in love all over again.

You eventually remove yourself from her arms and back onto your own two feet. "Well, Baby" Rhea said, picking up the plastic bags she had dropped while hugging you. "Am I allowed in?".

You nod and step aside so Rhea can enter your abode. Your house is fairly new, you only bought it a few months ago with your increased income from the newfound fame you've gotten from wrestling. It was very large and seems to be made out of all marble. All the countertops were made out of marble, the floors, even some portions of the walls are made out of the gray and white swirled stone. Everything that wasn't marble was white, like the walls and furniture. Rhea has only seen your house a few times since you moved in and since it's only a few square feet away from being a mansion you lead the way every time Rhea comes over.

You lead her into the kitchen, flicking the light switch and filling the room with a white glow. "So, what do you want to do" you say, sitting down on a barstool.

Rhea sits down on the barstool next to yours and pecks your cheek with a light kiss . "Whatever you wanna do, Babe" she says while folding her arms on the cold marble surface.

"Well, what's in the bags?". You gesture to the thin white plastic sacks with objects visible inside them.

Rhea smiles as she pulls a six pack of beer and popcorn out. "I was thinking we could watch a movie in your bedroom".

That actually seemed brilliant, really. The setting would dark, you two would be sitting close, and you can set the mood with what kind of movie you pick. It would really be nice and relaxing.

"Sounds good" you say, standing from the barstool and grabbing the box of beer and leading the way. Your bedroom was the master one on the far end of the second floor hallway. It was one of three bedrooms. You didn't want a house with a ton of bedrooms because you never have enough people over to need more than three. The only visitor or get regularly was Rhea, and when she comes over you just sleep in the same bed. You were looking for more of a bigger kitchen, living area, garage and storage space more than anything else.

Rhea Ripley x reader One Shots Where stories live. Discover now