After the Ball😼

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Small warning: Feet stuff

You look at the guard standing next to the ballroom door. You have been exchanging glances all night. She was the only female guard of the palace. Most times she was your personal bodyguard who follows you around. Now her job for the evening was standing by the door to make sure nobody gets in. And so that the notorious rebel of the royal family couldn't escape this formal occasion. That rebel being you.

Nights like these were why you were glad you won't inherit the throne. You were quite fond of dressing up for such events though. You liked wearing big skirts and fancy fabric. That was the only good thing about balls though. You abhor dancing in pinchy shoes with uncles and cousins you don't know. Always having to sit like a lady (or at least when your parents were watching). And you couldn't be excused until midnight when the ball ended.

You had to find joys in the little things. Like looking at Rhea in her guard uniform. It was blatant that you were fond of her, every one who frequented the palace knew. Your parents just begged you to hide that side away for a good night. So you would sit neatly in your chair, excepting dances with however asks them from you and being a good princess. All the while you were stealing looks at the dashing guard with her arm muscle defined in her red jacket. But once the bell chimed twelve you would be able to leave.

Luckily, that was in only a few moments. In the distance you heard the church bell beat out the time like usual. You got up gracefully with your hands folded. You walking slowly across the ballroom, giving farewells to anyone who wished them to you. You approached the door. Rhea opened it for you as she knew her instructions clearly.

Before you walked down the hallway you paused to speak quietly to her. "Meet me in my room when all the other guests have dispersed". You walked off then, your shoes clicking against the floor for only a moment before you took them off.


Rhea tapped her knuckles against your door. "Your Highness" she said a bit loudly to tell you it was her.

The heavy wooden door opened and you dragged her inside so that any guests that might be giving themselves a tour of the palace didn't see her at your door. Once she was inside, you embraced her shortly.

Your room was dim, there was only a lantern by your bed the cast light. You still had your big dress on. It had a white lace around the neck and half-sleeves. The rest of the dress was a lovely red rose color, with draping fabric hanging from the bodess and many layers of cloth and lace dyed red. You have taking your hoop skirt off though.

You lead her to your bed, "come, sit down". You flop onto the soft sheets with a small sigh. "You're off duty for the night, right?"

"Yes, your Higness," she said, walking stiffly to your bed.

You look at her and smile. "You don't have to address to me as Highness, you know".

"It feels weird not to".

You nod and lean back, before having a pained expression cross your face. "My feet are killing me, I don't know why anyone would want to wear those shoes all the time".

Rhea sat down in front of you, looking at you a bit sympathetically. "Here, let me see" she offered.

You raised your legs up on the bed and pulled your skirt up. Rhea took off her black and gold coat and dropped it on the ground. Now there was only a white blouse covering her.

Rhea lifted up her leg and began to rub your foot. It felt nice. You watched her fondly, biting your lip. You are already so worked up over thinking about what you and Rhea would do. You were about ready to just take your clothes off and get down to it. But you knew that being slow and sensual was the best way to go.

Rhea resting her cheek against your ankle. "Does that feel good, your Highness?" she implores.

You nod, already a little out of breath.

After a few more moments of slow foot massages, she puts your leg down and crawls on top of you slowly, making soft eye contact the whole time. You lay down as slowly as she was moving her way up your body so your faces were always just a few inches apart. Rhea kisses you lightly on the lips, pulling away to look at you on more time.

"I want to know if you really want this? Because once I start, I fear I will not be able to stop".

A few puffs of air leave your lips before you nod a life but too vigorously.

She goes back in to kiss you. Soon enough she is leaving searing wet kisses down your neck and your collarbone. She gets to the edge of your dress neck. She bobs her head back up in a way to ask you to take your dress of so she could see more of you. She has expressed many times how much she loves your body.

You slip out from under her weight and stand again. You begin to take your dress off. First slipping the dress part off and then the many petticoats that laid under it. You were left in only your long underwear and corset now. Rhea's hands grab onto your sinched waist from behind. She rubbed your sides as she kissed behind your ear and the back of your neck. Small moans slip from your mouth and you quickly move your hands to muffle them. Rhea's fingers moved to undo the front buttons of your corset while still marking your neck. Once it was undone, she tossed it to the side.

You turned, putting your hands on her shoulders. You step toward the bed again and Rhea lays down. You were now the one on top so naturally you starting to peck softly at her lips and neck, doing just like she did with moving down her body. When you raised your head to breath and say two words in a begging voice.

"Ravish me".

She grabs you and flips you over back to begin on the bottom, slipping off your remaining clothing swiftly. You felt exposed for a moment until her hot mouth started sucking on one of your nipples she gripping your other breast. You bite your lip to stop moans from escaping.

So goes down to your abdomen, then to your throbbing clit. Your back arches dramatically and you grip her hair tightly. Ripples of pleasure travel up your spine and out of your mouth in sultry moans you were trying to keep quiet. Her warm tongue licking at your wet core was the best sensation. Your head tilts back and your eye lids flutter shut as she pressing deeper into you, unraveling you into a hot mess.

The shadow of a orgasm came over you. Rhea could tell your were close by the way your were gripping the sheets and moaning out profanities. She pulled away. She clearly ignored your noises of annoyance as she lurched up to kiss you. The taste of your juices were still on her lips. The feeling in your stomach sizzles out and disappeared. You whimper into the kiss as her hand goes back down body and two of her fingers plunge into your heat.

You were pulled back into a blissful state of pleasure. Her finger were slamming and rubbing against your Gspot at an inhuman speed. A trembling breath escapes your lips as you feel like your about to burst. You were so close.

In a seductive and commanding tone, Rhea said, "I want you to cum, your Highness".

Your back was completely off the bed as a thunderous orgasm took over your body. Your vision was hazy for a moment, then you felt Rhea's soft lips on your skin.

"You did amazing for me, your Highness" she said into your neck.

You blush and play with her hair absent-mindedly. It was like this until you eventually fell asleep to Rhea laying with her head on your chest. She rolled over and pulled the covers of the both of you. Holding you in her arms is where she feels most home. Having soft moments like sitting on your bed made her heart melt. She really was madly in love with you. She loves
you beyond just the nights to spent together. And you really loved her too.

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