My Little Servent 😼

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You look at yourself in the full-length mirror. You fluff your skirt out one extra time. You had the maid outfit, the lingerie under it, the long socks. You left the bedroom and padded down the stairs to the lower level. Rhea was sitting on the couch with her phone in hand. You spotted the back of her head when you stepped off the stairs. Quickly you ran over to wrap your arms around her from behind.

Rhea didn't have a surprised reaction when you touched her unexpectedly. "Hey Baby", she reached her hand up and rubbed the back of your neck.

"What'ya doing?" You ask, walking around the couch and flopping down next to her.

"Nothing" she responded, looking up at you. It was then she realized what you were wearing. "Woah".

You laugh a little at her acknowledgment. "You like it?"

Rhea looked you up and down, soaking it all in before doing anything else. "Yeah, I love it" she answered, running her fingers across the bottom portion of her face. "But, you know I'll be ripping it off of you in about ten seconds". She went in for a kiss but you blocked it.

She gave you a small look, borderline offended, but you brushed it off. "Today is about doing stuff for you and I don't want to ruin it by getting too freaky too soon," you say. "So what do you want me to do?".

Rhea pretended to look stumped but then said casually. "I want to fuck you".

"We could do that later," you say blushing. You tilted her head from side to side to get a better look at her. "You are going to bleach your hair soon, right?". You rub your hand up and down her thigh, teasing her just a little bit, just enough to annoy her. A thing about Rhea he doesn't like to be teased, she knows what she wants when it comes to sex and hates when you deprive her of it.

"Yeah," Rhea says, squinting one eye.

"Do you want me to trim it before you do?" you offer.

"Yeah, if you want to," She said.

You jump off the couch and run upstairs to grab the stuff you usually use to touch up your hair. You ran back down the stairs with a pair of hair scissors, a spray bottle full of water, a fine-tooth comb, and a towel. Rhea was already sitting in a kitchen chair pulled out from the table. You get to work immediately. You weren't going to take huge chunks of hair off, she trim it to compensate for the hair growth.

You draped the towel over her shoulders so her hair but couldn't get down her shirt. You massaged her shoulder tendons a little while you had your hands around that spot. Rhea has shoulder stiffness and pain a lot from both wrestling and lifting. It was only natural that your body would start giving out on you when it's been put under so much pressure. Between traveling around so much and wrestling and working out, Rhea had a lot of pressure on her body to perform well. Messaging her shoulder just made her relax more.

You then made the hair wet with the spray bottle. When it was damp enough you start cutting the ends. You made sure to keep it even in all the spots and not make layers too short. You eventually got to the front of her hair. You sat down in Rhea's lap so you could get a better angle at what you were cutting.

For fun and to tease Rhea more than you already were you started to grind on her lap softly as you snip away at her platinum blonde hair. Rhea plants her hand firmly on your waist and stares at you with sharply angled eyes, it was blatant that her patience for your shit was running out. You pay no mind to her and keep doing what you are doing. After a few more minutes of hair cutting, you declare it finished. You step off her lap and gather the things you used to cut her hair with.

Rhea stood up and walked to you. She tried to kiss you again but you turned your head away and looked around the house.

"You know, this place could stand being dusted and swept". You pulled the towel off of Rhea's shoulder and wander off into to kitchen to grab a broom for the stray hairs standing out plainly on the floor. You brushed them aside then grabbed the sweeper and began to sweep the living room going around the couch. You bent over to get under the couch, making sure that the lacy underwear you wore wearing underneath was showing. You stand up straight and turn around, Rhea was standing there. You shift your body hastily to face her, her still damp hair pushed back and away from her face. Rhea's eyes were staring deep into your soul.

She grabbed you by the neck slowly, running her finger up your chest, making her intentions very clear first. "That's quite enough, baby" she growled in a low voice.

"What?" You ask in an innocent voice.

Rhea flips around and sits on the couch, pulling you down to sit on her lap facing her. "Don't play that game with me" she said dominantly.

You positioned your hand on her shoulders as she stared up at you with arched eyes. "Sorry, Baby" you say sarcastically.

Rhea pushed you down into a laying position, she stayed on top as it being a natural position for her. "Don't give me that" she said, raising an eyebrow.

You almost instantly regret everything you just said when you realize how mad Rhea actually is.

"Now, can I rip this damn costume off your body yet?" She asked.

You nod in a submissive way, allowing her to finally get what she wanted. She bent her elbows at ninety degrees to kiss you, her soft lips felt very nice, you throw your arms and legs over her. She bites your bottom lip when she pulls away slowly. You weren't going to let go.

"Now, Princess," Rhea said, lower her voice by a few decibels. "You are going to do exactly what I tell command you to do".

You nod again, mouth open, waiting for Rhea to kiss it again.

"I want you to ride my thigh" she whispers in your ear, biting the cartilage softly.

It sent shivers down your back. "OK" you respond.

"Don't respond to me like that princess" she growled. "You answer me by saying yes mommy. Got that?".

"Yes, mommy" you say.

You both sit up and you sit down on Rhea's lap for the second time. You start to grind your hips against her thigh, moaning softly at the slight stimulation. It wasn't a lot since you never get enough pleasure by just grinding something. Rhea knew that. That's why she told you to do it.

Your hands slide up her body and tighten around her shoulders, mirroring the hold she had on your waist. You rest your forehead on Rhea's chest, your breath got heavier. She laughed softly and the corner of her black-tinted mouth upturned in a sly smile. Your arms shift again to being wrapped around her neck desperately. You felt your kitty getting wet against her pants fabric, you knew Rhea could feel that.

Lifting your head of her chest, you press your lips against hers. "I love you so fucking much" you mutter. 

"Why wouldn't you?" She asked, looking half kidded and lustful into your eyes. She moves you from sitting on her leg to laying on the couch under her. She slips your panties down your legs and tosses them somewhere. Rhea spreads you open with her two fingers. "Geez baby, you're so fucking wet for me right now" she chortles.

"Shut- " you were cut off mid sentence when Rhea suddenly licked you up and down. It felt like heaven, you were in pure moaning bliss and it didn't take long for you to get close. You grabbed Rhea by the hair and pushed her down deeper into your fold as you reach an ultimate high.  You whine as your legs shake from pleasure.

Rhea sat up and whipped her bottom lip before going to kiss you again. You leech your hands onto the side of her head and pull yourself deeper into the kiss.

Rhea looked down at you. "Okay, my turn baby" she said.

"Yes Mommy" you reply.

1558 words
Sorry if it's kind of shitty. I have been busy the past couple of weeks between dance schedules and extra school stuff to finish the year. Plus my math grade are going to shit, I got a 75% on my last test when my average is 90% to 100%, damn you algebra. So I have to shape up before finals because I got college to think about and finding a job over the summer. I'm pretty sure I want to go to a college with some kind of ballet program to help me go professional though.

I will get all the requests done, hopefully soon, and then I have an idea I got off of this fic on Tumblr that morphed into something completely different.

Rhea Ripley x reader One Shots Where stories live. Discover now