I Missed you

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"Do you really have to go?" you ask, briny tears swelling up against your eye rims.

Demi cups your cheek with her hand. "Yes," she says softly, catching your face with her sky blue eyes. "You have harbored me well, but I fear that they might catch on soon".

You smile weakly and put your hand on hers, feeling her bony fingers. Thick tears started to run down your cheeks and you stare up at her sadly. "Will I ever see you again?"

"Once the war ends," she says, setting her other hand on your shoulder. "When the war ends I will find you again".

"You promise?" you ask. You were trying your hardest to not let your voice quiver.

"I promise" Demi agrees, pressing her forehead against yours. "I will never stop searching until I find you again".

You close your eyes, just feeling her touch. Her warm palms against your cheeks felt like sitting in front of a lit fireplace, warming your whole body and feet after coming inside from the freezing German winter. Hugging her was like eating a hearty potato stew. Your soul felt warm and it puts all your nervous thoughts to peace. Her scent was lye soap and the bricks from the basement she has been living in for the past few months. Her skin was like a road, cold in contrast to her hands and textured with bumps and dips.

Pressure built in your face from the sobs you wouldn't let go of. Tears of hate towards the Nazis and sadness because she had to run away from Germany, less she will be killed for being Jewish. You could be killed also for sheltering a Jew. But you would much rather get killed in a gas chamber holding the one you loved than the possibility of never seeing her again.

Demi pulled away and looked at you again, her face like the sun shining on the snow on top of roofs.

"It's going to be okay," she says, her eyes now glistening from tears. "Okay?".

You nod your head, soft sobs escaping your throat.

A single droplet falls from the corner of Demi's eye. She quickly blinks to hide them. She let her hands fall to her sides and straightened her back. She wanted to say goodbye, but if she did she would lose the courage to leave. Seeing your crying face was already enough for her to stay, but this was for the best. Instead, she sighed and blinked, beginning to walk past you towards the back exit of your small house.

You stand frozen like a statue until you remember something important.

Grabbing Demi's wrist you ask "what about my kiss?"

She turns and smiles. "I'm saving that for when I see you again".

With that, she left you. You were alone again, just like how the house was before Demi came along and turned you world upside down. Ever since she came through your door and collapsed on the ground, gun shot wound in her side you felt something strange towards her. You are a young widow. Not like you're terribly sad about that. Honestly your husband was a huge pain. You only married him to keep your rich dad happy. Once he got drafted and killed you hoped you would never fall in love again. Until you found yourself hiding a Jew in your basement.

You resented it at first. After all, that kind of love was filthy. You vowed to never give into the temptation. But after some time you started to let your affection grow. It blossomed like a flower planted in rich soil. After washing the wounding night, Demi pulled you I to an unexpected kiss. You pulled away immediately, shocked. But then you flung yourself into another kiss and she fell back onto the sacks of grain she called her bed.

Just like how you collapsed onto the floor now. . 

Sobbing with your knees pulled up to your chest. You wished it could have gone differently. You wished you could go with her. You wished Hitler were dead. You wished this whole stupid war never happened.

Those next seven years past in a blur. A lot has happened since your love had to leave you. The war ended. You went to England as a refugee only to discover you fathers inheritance waiting for you there. A big house, thousands of pound bills to your disposal, and an easy life. You had suddenly went from barely surviving in the slum that is Germany, to being a rich English citizen.

You had everything you could ever want. But you still felt empty on the inside. A part of your heart was missing. It was in the pocket of the one you loved, where ever she may be. You always thought of the promise she made to you.

When the war is over I will find you again

It's the 'I will' that gets you, it was how strong and confident she said it. It always rang in your ears while you were on a walk or alone in your room. But alas, she still has not kept her promise.

You sit in the windowsill of your large window in your large bedroom. You look out of the glass up into the dreary gray sky. It was usual weather in England now. Nearing winter nothing seems to have color and everything is draped in one tone of gray. Your eyes flit down to the city, with automobiles puttering on the cobblestone streets around the aged Victorian era houses.

You were missing her again. At this point you don't weep when you'd u think about Demi. You just imagine what life would be like if she were with you. When you used to clean the bullet wound in her side every evening, she always talked about her plans after the war and Jews weren't getting killed anymore. Eventually she incorporated you into them. She said she wanted to go to build a cottage in the Italian hills, then live a peaceful and self reliant life. You always laughed and said that if you made it out of this enormous war alive you would go with her. It was always a joke, but over time you ment it.

Now you wanted it.

You hear the stained oak wood door to your room open.

You sigh, not turning your head but keeping your eyes glued to a rich man arguing over the newspaper with his other wealthy friends. "Didn't I request that I didn't want to be bothered, Henry" you say, thinking it was your troublesome, judgemental butler. You twist your neck co to look at him. Your eyes softened, widened with shock. A hand clapped over your mouth and you slowly rose from where you were perched.

In front of you stood Demi. A satchel was on resting against her hip and she was wearing clothing made of linen. She smiled, taking a few small steps towards you.

"Is- is it really you?" you ask curiously, observing her features to make she she wasn't just a look alike or a male poser. You reach your hand up and rest it against her cheek.

She puts her large hand over yours and looked at you with teary blue eyes.

It really was her. You knew by the simple look showing everything you two have been through. You didn't need to say a single word, there was no need to. You jumped into a kiss. One you have been waiting seven years for. You pulled away after a moment, just staring lovingly into her crying eyes.

"I made a promise, didn't I?" She smiled.

You smiling, starting to cry yourself. "I missed you".

There was now thing else to say with words. No English word could describe the feelings in the room now. You expressed them through kissing her more. Long passionate kisses. And sobs that let go of every trouble and anxiety that you have felt since you last laid eyes on each other.

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