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You were sitting on the damp rocky sand. A rigid plateau behind your back. The sky's were gray like the swirling ocean and ground under your long dress. You pushed your bare toes deeper into the soft wet grains. You feel another warm tear slid down your cheek, but wipe it away hastily.

You hear a faint step of a shoe on squishy earth. You don't bother to look behind you, she was the only that lived with you on this peninsula.

"What do you want" you say in an aggressive voice.

"I saw it" Demi said.

"I don't know what you're talking about" you deny. You did know what she was talking about though. You have received a letter from your angry parents. It described in detail how disappointed and furious they were when you had run off with a sinner of the church. It had been a couple of months since you had left everything behind for love. You wouldn't have done anything different if giving a second chance, but the words still bite deep. Nobody felt the way you do, nobody loves the way you do, you were a completely bizarre creature. It could be worse than getting pushed away by everyone you once knew. You could get burned at the stake or tried for being a witch, just because you kiss girls.

"Don't lie to me, you left it sitting on the table" Demi cleverly responded.

You nearly winced at this because you had forgotten to throw it into the fire before running off. "I just- I don't know-" you stumble over words like they were big rocks on a path.

You could hear Demi stepping closer to you.

"Is there something wrong with me?" You say while bursting into tears and burying your face in your arms.

Demi sits down next to you and wraps her arms around your shoulders. She was comforting to you, her breath steady with an understanding radiance, it was still so familiar. You have always been with Demi, since childhood. You went to school together and became best friends. You learned that she had no family and she lived with her grandparents on their deathbed. Since she had no family, you invited her to come spend every holiday with you at your house which was rich and full of life. You were with her when her grandparents finally died. You were with her when her suitor ran off and joined the kings army. You were with her when she cut her hair like one of the men. You thought she was crazy at first. To cut your hair short like a man is a serious crime against the church that you could get killed for. So, she realized she didn't have much time left and confessed her love for you.

You remembered that like it was just yesterday. She had pulled you back into the horse barn after you had seen what she had down to her hair. She told you that she was madly in love with you and just never realized it until her fiancee left. You paused, staring at her with a face of complete confusion and shock. A women with a women and not a man, it was so wrong, but felt so right. You realized that you were in love too. Without words, you had thrown your arms around her and interlocked your lips into the most passionate and long awaited kiss you have ever had. Then you made love right there in the pile of hay. You came running back to the house for evening tea rosy cheeked, hair falling out, and two buttons undone from the back of your dress from putting it back on in a rush. Your family didn't question you since you always go horse riding after dinner and come back disheveled and untidy. You were differently riding something, but it wasn't a horse

You loved Demi so much you ran off with her that night to this peninsula without telling anyone. And now you were in the mess.

"There's nothing wrong with how you feel about me" Demi said, rubbing your shoulder.

"But this kind of feeling is wrong, don't you understand" you say, voice shaky from crying. "Women aren't supposed to altogether women, not in this society. But yet, here I am, so deep in love with you I can't imagine a world without you in it". You rest your head on Demi's shoulder. "It's weird and it's wrong but addictive and I enjoy every second and can call you my other half".

There was a long silence between the both of you with just the sound of waves rushing over your feet before Demi said something.

"When I was with my suitor, I thought he was the one" she pressed her lips together in a line. "I thought that we would get married in a big chapel and have more children than stars in the sky. But when he left me heartbroken, I sunk into a depression. I asked God to give me the answer to my pain and I felt this strong urge to be with you. Then I knew that I was in love".

"You're point?" You ask, getting a big sniff of her sweet scent of hay and the wheat fields.

"The universe wanted us to be together, so there can't be anything wrong with our love".

You smile to yourself and fold your hands on your skirt. You feel Demi giving you a soft kiss on the top of your head. Raising your head from her shoulder you look into her eyes while she smiled at you. You extended your neck to aline your lips and connect them.

Demi put her big hands on your waist as she takes the kiss over. You both fall down as a wave washed over you. You were now lying on the beach with Demi over you, interlocked a kiss. A wave washed over the beach again, but this time you got completely submerged in it. You sat up now soaked in salty ocean water.

You laughed as you wiped your face with your hands. Demi laughs too. You grab her by the shoulders and shove her into the water to.

Now that you were both wet and covered in sand, you walked up the beach closer to the cliff. You turned to Demi and wrapped her arms around her. You went back to kissing each other passionately.

Your parents could take there opinions elsewhere, because you were happy just as you are


1096 words

This is different than my other chapters and I will probably build some more chapters off this scenario around the renaissance period

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