Hotel Pt 2

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You sigh with content as you trace the tattoo on the back of Rhea's hand. She had her face against your shoulder and her arms around your chest. You loved this feeling of just perfect peace. It is a dream to live like this every day with Rhea, lounge around, have sex often, take long baths, and never care about anyone else. It could just be you and Rhea left in the world and you would still be happy every single day.

This peace would have to end though. You had to get back to your hotel room. "I have to go back, babe" you mumble, shifting around in the water.

"Mmm, no you don't" she replied, holding onto you tightly and not allowing you to get up.

You pull yourself away from her and step up on the cold tiles. A chill ran up your spine and you scamper over to the closet. You grab a fluffy white towel, like a pomeranian, or a snowball, and wrapped it around yourself. When Rhea slowly stood up you walked over to her and hugged her.

"I'll miss you, though," she pouted, holding her arms tightly around you.

"I will only be gone for a few hours, and you'll be asleep for almost all of them" you remind her. She denies that she gets clingy like this, and to that, you always roll your eyes. It was a good kind of clingy though. The type that just lets you know how much she loves you.

When you were both thoroughly dry, you walked back out to the bedroom. You began to pick your clothes up from off the floor and put them back on. While you were doing this, Rhea sat down on the bed looking at you longingly.

"You act like I'm about to go to war," you tell her. You grab your artificial silk tank top off the floor and toss it to her, "trade". You select the vinyl T-shirt hanging from the bedpost that was Rhea's.

You slip the shirt on and step back over to your girlfriend to give her an innocent kiss on top of her head. She turned the last minute though and pulled you into a more steamy kind of make-out. You quickly pull away though, not wanting things to get sexual again. You walk over to the door and after blowing Rhea a kiss you leave her room.

You were still very nervous about walking around the hallways in not a lot of clothing, but you made it to the elevator okay. After a short trip you got back to your floor and to your shared room. At this point everyone else should be asleep so if you were lucky you could just be able to sneak in and go to sleep without anyone noticing you. You unlock the door and slip inside. The room was dark, you thought you could make it unnoticed until somebody flipped the lights on.

"What were you doing?" the voice of Bianca said in a very loud whisper.

Since you were half blinded by the sudden light you were too stunned to speak for several seconds. "I was a with Rhea," you finally choke out.

Nikki ran over to you. "What are those bruises on your neck?" she asked, knowing the answer already.

You clasp a hand on your neck as you remember about them. "It's nothing," you try to explain.

Alexa joined in on this one excitement by saying, rather loudly, "is that Rhea's shirt?".

Now all three of them were freaking out, jumping up and down.

"Guys, it's not what you think it is, I can explain," you stammer.

"I don't think we need any explanation, Y/N, to know what you were doing with Rhea" Bianca giggled.

You blushed and fell silent.

"So, are you and Rhea going to be married?" Nikki asked after they had calmed down a bit.

"Well. . . It's complicated," you begin. "WWE executives don't know about us and we are you waiting for the right time".

"You need to tell us everything" Alexa exclaimed.

You bit our lip, thinking about it. Finally you agreed. And so you did tell them everything, how you met, your first official date and how things were going now. Sometimes the three the were listening to you eagerly would make some sound and effects like "aw" or "oop". They are so giddy over your relationship, it was as funny to watch

After story time was over you took another deep breath. "And yes, I do have a sexual relationship with her".

They all started to freak out again, and you basically spent the rest of the night talking about your relationship.

Rhea Ripley x reader One Shots Where stories live. Discover now