Period Pain

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This is directed towards my female audience so I'm sorry, but it can still apply to you if you have a uterus

You lay in a ball on your bed, one arm around your stomach and the other holding onto your knees. There was a pile of blankets on top of you. You really hated your period, because for a whole week, you feel like somebody is taking your pelvis and twisting it. The worst part is is that nothing ready feel like it helps with them. Of course, Rhea has her own suggestion because she is a woman that goes through the same thing every single month. She had said stuff like stretching helps, drinking a lot of liquids, a hot water bottle, you have tried all of them and cramps still don't falter from making your life miserable for a whole week.

You squeeze your eyes shut as your current cramp reaches a climax for a few moments then fades out, giving you some relief. You tug on your gray sheets and pull them over your shoulder more while you could focused on something other than stomach pain. You hear your bedroom door open, you already know who it is so you don't bother turning over to look at her.

The bed shifts and squeaks slightly as the weight of another body gets in it. "How are you doing, Baby?" Rhea's soft, subtle Australian accent says while she wraps her arms around you.

You relax your body a little bit when you feel her arms around your waist. "Not much different, but better now that you're here" you move your own hand to rest on top of hers. Rhea is the best big spoon because she just knows how to cradle you in a certain way, it's calming.

"I cleaned the kitchen and the living room, so you don't have to worry about it" she says.

"Thank you, but you didn't have to do that, I could have done it myself" you say. You always feel so pathetic when you're on your period, because you just lay around in your hoodie all day. You always feel especially embarrassed about your state when Rhea does stuff for you. It not like she is doing it to make you feel bad about yourself, she is doing it because she wants to be a good partner, yet you still feel guilty.

"It's really fine. You already have to think about so many different things, I don't want cleaning to be one of them" Rhea reassures you.

You roll over to face her, a small smile creeps onto your face. "How did I get so lucky" you say. You think this ever time you look at your girlfriend, this time you just made it audible.

Rhea laughs softly, stroking your hair. "I don't know, I guess you just won the lottery having me as your girlfriend".

You put your leg on top of hers and rest you head on her chest. It just feels right for you two to cuddle, like everything is at peace with the world. Despite being built like an ox, Rhea was surprisingly nice to cuddle. You don't mind big spooning her, it as good if not better as being the little spoon, but Rhea will only allow it if she's really tired, which she almost never admits to. So unless you demand to be the big spoon you will most likely stay little spoon. But that's perfectly fine, especially at times like these when you just feel needy.

591 words
Sorry it's so short, but I really don't have any ideas (expect for dirty ones) so that will most likely be the focuse of next chapter

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