Halloweenie 😼

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You look at Rhea. "Are you ready?" You ask, zipping up your loose jacket over your costume and stepping towards your girlfriend. The converses you wore on your feet made small squeaking sounds against your floors.

"Yeah," she said. She had her jacket on to protect her from the dipping temperatures of October. It was cold, even for being the thirtieth of the month. It wasn't just the coldest day of the year so far though, it was the holiday dedicated to being spooky and dark, Halloween. Halloween was Rhea's favorite holiday, and she begged you to come to a party some of her friends were throwing. So you threw on something to be festive for the very important holiday for your girlfriend.

You grabbed the car keys from the hook and tossed them to Rhea. She caught them casually with the clicking of metal as her hand tightened around the keychain. You walk out of your house by her escort and shiver when the brisk air hit your bare legs. You fidgeted with your hands in your pockets while Rhea was nice enough to lock the door to your house. When she turned to you ready to drive, you walked eagerly and opened the passenger door to her car, and slid into the seat.

Rhea starts the car and you finally get settled as she starts driving down the road. After only a few seconds of driving, she already had her hand resting on your thigh. She rubbed up and down your leg, occasionally squeezing it when you got to traffic lights.

The trip was short since Rhea's friend lived close to your house. You stepped out of the car and onto the gravel driveway. Rhea followed close behind you and rang the doorbell. It would be best if she was the one to introduce you and not yourself.

A man with a White claw and a wizard's hat slightly ajar answered the door. "Ayy man" he laughed, taking up Rhea in an embrace. Her eyes shifted to you standing in the doorway. "Whose this dudette?" he asked, limply pointing a finger at you when the hug broke between him and Rhea.

"She's my girlfriend, Y/N" Rhea explained. You give a friendly wave from behind Rhea.

Rhea's friend looked shocked for a moment. "So you're like, lesbian?" He asked, squinting one eye.

"Yeah, that's the common term for it," Rhea said.

Her friend laughed before saying, "well you don't have to worry about that here dude. We are all LGBTQ+ allys in this household" he turned and motioned for you two to come inside. Several people were dancing and sitting on the couch. There were some pretty interesting costumes, like a Charizard one, a Jack the ripper one, the casual witch, and a Disney princess. "It's not that hopping of a party now, but my friend Kyle will be coming over in a few minutes".

You walked a little deeper into the house and slid your jacket off since it was pleasantly warm. You were wearing a short black skirt with a loose off-the-shoulder white blouse and black corset that accentuated your breasts. Under it, you had fishnets layered over regular tights. You were going for a pirate look but lazy. Rhea did some spider web makeup on her eyes and wore a black and green striped sweater and black jeans. Black is her favorite color if you couldn't guess already.

Rhea introduced you to everyone else at the party at that moment. As the night went on, more people showed up and it started to get kind of R-rated lit. Random drunk friends were making out on the floor and tables. Someone threw toilet paper into the bare tree in the front yard. Kyle and Rhea's friend who was hosting the party took shots before falling to the ground after some dramatic love exchange. You were teaching a girl how to do the WAP dance in the tiled kitchen.

Rhea watched you from the couch. She watched how your exposed shoulders and collar bone moved. Your skirt swayed showing more leg, then fell back down, then swayed back up. How your chest expanded and fell rapidly and small beads of sweat rolled down your face from the activity.

Rhea Ripley x reader One Shots Where stories live. Discover now