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Previous Chapter...

I lay my body at my bed and take a nap cuz I felt so exhausted after I've landed here. Yeah, it's been five years and I missed everything. I hoped that she can still remember me.


??? Pov's :

I was sleeping peacefully when I heard my phone buzzed. At first, I tried my best to ignored it and continued my sleep but it keep on buzzing that makes me wide awake again. I took my phone at the nightstand and answered the called.

Me : "Yeah, what do you want?", I asked him with my raspy voiced.

??? : "Wow! I thought you're not alive anymore!", he joked and I just tsked him.

Me : "Yeah, yeah whatever but why are you calling me?", I asked him again.

??? : "Woah, bro calm down. Nothing, just asking if you're still alive after you landed here", he said and I mentally rolled my eyes.

Me : "If you keep on joking around, I'm going to sleep now", I told him with an annoyed tone.

??? : "Fine, fine. By the way, are you transferring to the school I told you?", he asked.

Me : "Yeah, of course. Why?", I asked him.

??? : "Nothing, just to tell you that I saw Y/n that time," he replied and my heart immediately beating faster.

Me : "What-why? I mean, what is she doing there?", I stuttered.

??? : "Well, are you forget that Seonghwa hyung also attend that school," he answered me with duh tone which I rolled my eyes.

Me : "Yeah, you're right, sorry I forget about it", I answered and  facepalm my face.

??? : "So, what's your answer?", he asked me. I rubbed the back of my neck before I answered him.

Me : "Yeah, of course I'll be attending that school", I answered with certainity.

??? : "Okay if like that, I'll see you tomorrow I guess. Bye!," he bid.

Me : "Yeah, see you tomorrow," I replied back and ended the called.

I heaved a sighed before I get up from my bed and went to the kitchen because my throat suddenly felt dried. I opened the fridge and took out some left over drink that I didn't drink when I arrived home. I gulped it all down then I wiped my lips that are wet. After that, I went to the library room which was located at the downstairs at the end of the hallway.

After I've arrived there, I was hesitate to opened it. My hand already holding the door handle whilst I trying to fight my wild thought. At the end, I opened it slowly and take in my surrounding. This place....really brought my memories back, I thought to myself then I let myself in and sat down at the couch which was facing the fireplace along with the tea table in the center between the fireplace and the couch that I just sat down.


Meanwhile at Y/n home's or mansion...

Y/n Pov's :

I suddenly woke up and felt like there was something missing but I don't know why but there's only one thing that I could think right now...that was him. I don't know why I'm thinking about him but my mind can't stop thinking about him. Since I can't slept, I get up from my bed and went to my 'special room'. I usually go there if I felt like I want too or if I can't slept at night.

My Mr. Bully || Choi San x Reader || ⁵जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें