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"Foolish child is he"


"A commoner carrying a royal child, how interesting" Was Adrastos comment after finding out Diana's status

"They are a fool if they think someone like her who doesn't carry a mana at all can survive giving birth to a royal blood" He said his loyal knight stood beside him was jolted from a booming laugh came from the prince.

'His highness do really find this amusing' sweat dropping at his thought but he too find it amusing but he was mad 'Is his majesty doing this to torture my prince and have a new heir?!'

"Darcio, what do you think of that woman?" Adrastos asked solemnly

"Lady Diana is nothing but his majesty's lover, i do not see the reason on why i should be concerned of her" Darcio answered truthfully

A comfortable silence was filled the room after that

"What should i do to make father like me?" Adrastos asked himself looking down while the knight look at him in pity.

'My prince... when will you realise that his majesty is just hurting you'


Adrastos is currently with the emperor and the royal physician

"His highness has a string mana" the physician announced

"What a weak ability" His father insulted making Adrastos clench his fist and lower his head in disappointment

"Your majesty pardon me but his highnesses ability is n--" His word is cutted of by the child's murderous gaze at him as he also noticed a thin string on Adrastos hand almost like threatening him.

"What? Go on and spit it"

"It seems like his highness mana really depends on how he use the strings accordingly" Changing his answer smoothly

"With how weak your mana I am certain you wouldn't be successful to be a future ruler. it seems like you're useless as the day you were born Adrastos" Claude said shattering his child's spirit while he dismissed the tutor

"B-but your majesty my string is strong if I practice right?" He convinced his father

"Are you certain Adrastos"

"I am your majesty , just give me time to practice and I promise to not disappoint you!" He boldly declare looking at his father with determination

His father only hummed in acknowledgment

With that he left his father's side


"Is this what you call strong!?" Claude booming voice filled with rage as he stared at his son disgusted. Adrastos was full of blood and bruise after his duel with Claude

He was outside practicing his mana, when Claude in a bad mood. Claude demanded Adrastos to show him his mana by fighting his son.

Of course it is obvious who won the match, Felix and the knights could only look at the prince with pity as he was beaten by his own father.

How cruel his father was all of them thought, a mere child who is still new to mana was getting abused by his father just because he is mad at something.


Claudr was in a bad mood after finding out Diana's condition

"Your majesty I am here to tell you  unfortunate news about Lady Diana's pregnancy... She wouldn't be able to survive child birth your majesty, her body couldn't take the future highnesses strong mana" The physician informed bowing, afraid to lose his life

Claude did nothing but to storm out and went to Diana pleaded her to choose him and abort the child which Diana did not agree.

After that he went to see his son and let his anger out to him instead.

"You're weak and will never be useful to me, you're nothing but a disappointment. A crown prince who will die easily" Claude said leaving his bleeding son and Felix following along with a solemn look wanting to help the prince.

'I'm sorry your highness I couldn't protect you, I should've stop him from coming here after the unfortunate news of lady Diana's pregnancy' His thought as he saw your knight, Darcio rush out to help and the knights running around to patch you up.

"Darcio, I did disappointed father again didn't I?" He asked hoarsely making the knights near him tensed up feeling the crown prince pained voice

"Your highness please just rest! You did great!" Darcio shouted as single tear fall from his eyes.

"When will father notice my hardwork and be proud of me?" He asked again but with tears falling down on his eyes

He cried in front of them that made the knights looked away trying their best to hold their own tears clearly hurt by the prince's state.

"I want to feel love by father too"

to be continued

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