Christmas Special

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This is more like a filler chapter and doesn't change the original plot. Enjoy this while it last, let's take the angst moment away for a while)



"SHUT THE FUCK UP" Adrastos who just got up shouted at the singing Khaos while rubbing his eyes and yawn

He looked at Khaos with annoyed look which Khaos just smooch Adrastos cheek

"Its so early and you're already looking annoyed my prince"

"If you just shut your mouth and maybe don't sing loudly early in the morning, this wouldn't happen. Get out" Adrastos said glaring at the now Khaos who seemed like a kicked puppy after what the former said and sooner Khaos left with defeated look

"Geez that manchild" Adrastos mumble chuckling at Khaos behavior


"MERRY CHRISTMAS BROTHER!" Athanasia exclaimed running towards her brother Felix and Kanna following behind

"Merry Christmas to you too" Adrastos returned the greeting hugging his sister in the process while he greeted Felix and Kanna behind with a smile

"Let's go see papa!" Athanasia requested pulling Adrastos with her and soon enough they reach their father's chamber as Athanasia jump landing on the sleeping man

All the witness could do was to hold back their laugh while looking at the lifeless body of their emperor

"You really gain weight a lot, maybe i should decrease your chocolate in take" Claude said between coughs while Athanasia had a shock and terrified look

Chuckling Adrastos went closer to them as he went to hug his father

"Merry Christmas dad"

"Likewise Adrastos" He nswered simple while patting his son's back

"Papa let's go outside, I heard from the maids they're holding a very festive event there today!" Athanasia recommended excitedly while Adrastos just ruffled her hair while laughing at her tall brother

"We can't go silly, Did you forget that we will held a feast and celebration here in the palace. We will celebrate the Christmas as family, you forgetful little sister of minw" Adrastos teased her while she just punch Adrastos arm

"Stop that, Let's just go and eat our breakfast" Claude interrupted while ruffling both his children's hair


Christmas Evening

A loud cheer can be heard as all the workers on the imperial palace celebrate Christmas

Some are dancing, passed out still drinking, eating from time to time, etc..

"Khaos my love when will you accept my unconditional and honest love for you!"

Adrastos did not answer and just continue on drinking the wine on his glass while Lucas just chuckle at the sober man

"What a child can't even handle his drink" Lucas teased while he drink the wine in his hand in one go. the result? He passed out

"How are you not passed out or drunk Adrastos? This one is strong as fuc-"  Kyrell asked while sipping a grape juice. Totally not scared to get drunk with just a sip

"I have high alcohol tolerance" Was all the prince said when a wail made Adrastos turn and follow the wail

There he was met by a rather amusing sight outside, Darcio crying over a fallen snowman

"NO MR. BENADRIL RONAD NICHOLAS IMELIO IV WHO DID THIS TO YOU?!" Darcio shouted bloody murder while Adrastos just deadpanned as his soul left his body

Kyrell on the other side couldn't stop laughing at the hilarious sight in front of him, the oh-so-serious-and-strong knight crying over a fallen snowman and even naming it with a long ass name

"I'm going inside" Adrastos said while stuttering completely trying his best to not loose his composure


"DAD PUT ME DOWN" Adrastos shouted while Claude is carrying him like a sacl of potato while Athanasia just snickered sticking her tounge out

"You have been surrounded with a lot of men and women! I cannot let them marry nor have their way on my beloved son!" He announced while the smacking his son's ass which embarrassed Adrastos to the core

"No they aren't! Stop overreacting!"

"Khaos kissed you! Lucas asked you hand in marriage and Kanna confessed! What do you mean overreacting" Claude argued making his son hump


After that night everyone was wasted and the looks they have could pass like they just snorted the illegal coke.

"BROTHER!! Let's build a snowman!" Athanasia said jumping excitedly wearing her winter clothes

"Geez Asia chill" Adrastos said but was left unheard when Athanasia just dragged him when they arrived outside a snowball immediately made contant with Adrastos face

When he search for the culprit they all pointed at Lucas who smiled cockily which made Adrastos irk

"It is on you little shit"

And soon snowball war began


Enjoy your Holiday ( Idk y'all's religion tho but still, Enjoy and Thank you for supporting this book!)

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