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"I didn't deserve that.
You knew it too."


After a long while of slumber, Claude has woken up and considering him being exhausted, he cannot possibly understand that his son. Adrastos whom he saw killing himself in front of him was alive and kicking and even have the guts to declare a war.

Claude's mind seem to not process what is happening while his world is breaking. After this revelation all he wanted to do was scream and blame himself.

'Would this thing even happen if I only treated my son the way he should be treated'

'Did i overdo things? but I only did that so he can be independent and strong without my help'

'I did not mean to do thinfs for it to reach at this point that my son leaving me behind'

His mind was in panic, Claude could only have himself to blame.

Athanasia even with her staying by his side, he still felt that something was missing and everything around him is nothing but dark and gray.

After a week he spent being alone, all he did was to reflect to the things he have done not only as an emperor but also as a parent to his children then a long realization hit him making himself be more in despair.

All of this happened because of how he raised and became a cold and heartless father to his beloved son. He regret everything from the way he ignore him, to scolding him, abusing him and hell even the time wherein he sent Adrastos to a battle field at a young age.

Claude spent his time crying and drinking alcohol while apologising to Adrastos and begging him to come back.

Felix who let the emperor have his time to be down could only look at the latter with guilty eyes and crestfallen look, although a part of him knew that this is nothing compared to what Adrastos felt.

Felix admit to himself that he lacked of bravery to go against his emperor slash friend, he felt guilty for letting it go without even trying to save him.

He felt betrayed and angered by what Adrastos said about declaring a war but most of his part understand what he is coming from.

Meanwhile, Athanasia, she doesn't know what to do about the matter. Going against her brother whom was sent to a battlefield and can even defeat people much older than him was like asking for a death wish and going against the devil himself.

Just thinking about what her brother look like when he appeared gives shiver to her spine, the way he looks down at them, from how his lip slowly forms into a smirk and the way his eyes glow darkly at them. She could only pray to heaven that the empire and herself could survive.

At the thoughts of her empire turned in to ruined is enough to make her pale and be terrified to his brother's strenght.

Just remembering her brother's deadly aura as his gaze turn in to her place as she stood still with their eyes meeting each other one with cold gaze while the other one was like seeing a ghost.

Even without Adrastos saying something to her, she immediately understand what he meant,

'You can never outdid me. Remember, I am more superior than you, harebrained mortal'

to be continued

A story with a bad beginning and end it with suffering is not entertaining and wouldn't bring happiness. It is torture

Countdown: Only 5 chapters left

Thank you for supporting me and waiting for me patiently!

With this book nearing its end I hope you guys are still happy till the end

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