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"The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting "


Location: Obelia Imperial Palace

Athanasia was still disturbed by the information that she recieved after her brother's departure two days ago.

'Is that kid really going on a war!? What is happening!' She is panicking internally patting raven to try and ease herself, to saw she was genuinely worried about the teen was an understatement.

'Even if he is an ass to me i am still worried about her well being'

She was cut on her daydream when Felix entered the room behind him was the crown prince's knight, Darcio Evanderblit looking irritated


"Your highness! I would like to introduce Sir Darcio Hirsch, he is his highness personal knight but the emperor tasked him to protect you for the mean time along side with me" Felix informed rather cheerfully while the former irked

"It is not like i have a choice, his majesty ordered and when i tried to decline he threatened me" Darcio complained

"Now now sir Darcio this is only temporary"

"You must understand Mr. Robane, i intend to serve the crown prince alone. Serving another royak aside from him pains and guilt me" Darcio said totally in a calm tone

"Do... Mr. knight hate Athy?" Athanasia reluctantly said

"Do not get the wrong idea your highness but i do not wish to meddle and serve someone who is not my master."

"Then Athy will ask daddy to not let you serve me!" She responded

"That is a good idea your highness, if its not much then please do ask his majesty to take back his order" Darcio pleaded looking down at her with relief

'He adore you after all, must be because you resembles your mother too much'


Roughly three and a half years later

Everything was in place for Adrastos plan from the start to his final strategy was near into completion and he cannot help but to smile in accomplishment

"Your highness while i went to report to palace Lady Xifeng approach me and asked me to give you a gift" Commander Harper stated extending his hand to give Adrastos the neatly wrapped box as he bowed and left him

Adrastos opened the box with care and he could not help but to feel amaze, it was a pair 指甲套 (zhijiatao) that he had been wanting to have way before he was in the frontline

'So she still remembers' was his thought with a sad smile painted on his lip

He placed the 指甲套 on his ring and pinky finger which fits perfectly whena small note slips, he pick it up and read the letter

Dear, your highness Adrastos

Are doing well? I do hope you liked my present, i specifically ordered it to Zixuan and let it costumized. May this day of your birth be enjoyable. Everything was okay in here your highness. His majesty finally let Darcio stop guarding her highness Athanasia. We all miss your presence your highness and we are looking forward to you going home soon. Be strong your highness

Your loyal servant,
Huang Xifeng

Adrastos was strucked by realization, it is indeed his birthday

"How could I forget, seems like I was too focused on this war that I forgot such as this" He said to himself sighing and chuckling after

"It's not like my birth is even worth mentioning anyway"

"One more year and the last strategy on my plan is going to commence, I'll be finally back" He grumbled wanting to erase his bad memories

"Adrastos" Kyrell called making him look at the entrance of his tent

"What is it?"

"Its your birthday so the commander allowed us to go to the near village to celebrate, i came here to fetch you!" Kyrell exclaimed joyfully making Adrastos sigh, such a ball of sunshine yet also a menace to Adrastos life Kyrell was.

Adrastos know too well that Kyrell was the one who suggested the idea just standing as he sigh in defeat

"Let us go"

"Come on man live a little! A seventeen years old boy such as your self should enjoy his life!"

"I do not find being in a battle field enjoyable"


to be continued

Fun fact:

➪ 指甲套 ( zhijiatao) is a nail guard/protection that both men and women of the nobility in ancient China wore.They originate from the Ming dynasty but became popular in the Qing dynasty.

Zixuan a country that Xifeng and Adrastos mother was originated

Xifeng is married to someone who works as a knight that is also a lieutenant that is why she was able to work in Obelia despite being from another country

➪ Zixuan is heavily inspired by china, (if that was obvious from the things mentioned)

Note: I might update later two or more depends really. My school starts tomorrow so I'll be busy so i might not update often

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