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"Face of an Angel, Mind of a Killer"


A Year Ago

It has been a year since Adrastos left

It was already late at night everyone is already asleep, even the workaholic Claude is sleeping but something is disturbing and bring discomfort to his slumber.

He saw met by a bloody scream coming from the people around him while flames surround the palace as well as some of the buildings in the capital.

Claude saw his 'self' walking angrily to the servant, panic and anger consumed him

He was standing behind his self in this dream while looking at the now ruined palace

"Who was behind this?!' he questioned grabbing the trembling knight

"So you do have some care in this empire, father" A voice from a far said as they saw a male coming forward, it was Adrastos with a look of satisfaction and amusement

"Adrastos!'' Claude shouted letting go of the knight's collar, "You dare go back here agai and not only that but you are also the cause of this. You insolent little shit!" Claude shouted as he grab the sword on Felix arm walking forward in an alarming speed.

Adrastos did nothing but let the sword pierced his chest as blood came out on his mouth dripping, losing his balance.

" A instant death can never be the answer to your treason and for committing genocide. This instant death is nothing compared to your sin!" Claude declared as he look at Adrastos blood dripping from his wound

Claude was surprised when he heard a chuckle from the 'dying' Adrastos

"Who even said i already died?" Adrastos said as he slowly took out the sword on his chest and got up." No matter how many stab and wound you will inflict in me. I will never die" He announce as he look at Claude mockingly

" I already reach my immortality and was bestowed by divinity. You can never kill me father." He said firmly laughing at the expression on Claude's face

" This is nothing compared to the things you did to me, I am here to judge and to punish you for the sins you've committed"

Soon Claude woke up from that dreadful dream

"What have I done" He said as despair and guilt eat him up once more


Athanasia look around her seeing her brother and father talking and arguing, she realized that she sitting on one of the palace infirmary

"Are you really that petty that you put your sisters to coma?! If it weren't for that young warlock they would be dead by now!" Claude shouted pointing his finger on Adrastos head

Athanasia was shocked by this she was harmed by his brother?

" I do know she is my sister but that does not mean i have to acknowledge her to be my sister and i am not the one who put the poison on on their drinks. Athanasia and Jeannette are just careless and stupid enough to drink the tea that the maid serve." He said looking at the other side of the bed and Athanasia was shooked once again to see Jeannette trembling on Adrastos gaze

"Pathetic! You spoil them too much that is why they rely on others and so oblivious to things" Adrastos gaslighted his father

"Brother that's not true! Father just don't want us to be hurt!" Jeannette shouted defending Claude making Athanasia also agreed

"I agree! Brother stop this!"

" An unloved and a chimera has no say in this matter! Hush children, the adults are talking" Adrastos dismissed them while placing his pointer finger on his lips and made a shushing noise

"I was raised before you! I did everything to avoid comparison and made him look at me! I was raised differently so of course you would never understand my pain !"

" I did that to make you grow and be independence . It is all to make you stronger!" Claude retorted

" I was a child! I don't need to be stronger at the age of 6! What i need to do is feel and enjoy things as a child and all you did was robbed that to me! " Adrastos said

" Adrastos you've changed, this is not the way i raised you"

" Never receiving the acknowledgement, abused, ignored, sent to a war for a trivial misbehavior and you dare to question why i changed? Think carefully. I was a child who was innocent but then all the things you did made me turn this way. Adrastos was long gone, he is never going back" He said glaring at them as he disappeared and only a smoke left

Somehow his last sentence gives shivered to both Athanasia and Claude until they here a booming sound came from an explosion outside.





Agathokakological Prince, Chapter 24

Athanasia woke up sweating

'Is it a vision? or?...'


to be continued

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