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"I fear that one day you'll see me as I see myself"


A week later

It is Athanasia's debutante ball and all the servants are busy going to every corner to make things go as plan.

Adrastos was still taking his beauty sleep when he was interrupted by Darcio who woke him up

"Your highness, you need to wake up to prepare for princess Athanasia's debutante ball" Darcio said shaking the sleeping 'Adrastos' but he wondered why there seems to be other person hiding in the blanket but his curiousity was answered Khaos took off the blanket from his body

"Sir K-Khaos?! What are you doing in his highnesses chamber?! Goodness you're also naked" with how Darcio shouted the real Adrastos woke up rubbing his eyes

"Darcio don't you think its rude to shout?"Adrastos said but the said Knight could only let out a gasp when he saw the dark shade red all over their body

"Forgive me your highness but you have to prepare for her highness Athanasia's debutante ball"

"It will be held later, why the rush? Its not like I'm gonna be the one celebrating it"

"But you walking along with The emperor and the princess be appropriate?" Darcoo sighed

"Hmp they can do it on their own, they're not a kid. Besides i plan to be a little late"

"May i ask why?"

"Is there a reason to be on time when I'm not the celebrant?" Adrastos said and soon sigh and got up bare and walk towards the bathroom

"You can go. There is no need to come here and remind me about the events, I won't run away Darcio" He said completely closing the door to the bathroom whilst Khaos just stand up and teleport

"How long had they been doing this?.." Darcoo mumbled with a sigh


Adrastos ws dressed fashionably as he prepare to enter the ballroom wearing his charming 'smile'

"Presenting his highness, Crown Prince Adrastos Nicoli de Alger Obelia!" The man announced and the guests could not help but t9 be charmed to the said male

He look so powerful and yet still charming as ever, as he stride towards the stairs he was greeted by a lot of guest while Claude and Athanasia was still dancing not noticing and minding about the arrival of Adrastos.

He saw how Athanasia step on Claude's feet which made him look at her amused as Athy was about to fall Claude held her and raise her as they continue to dance

Somehow this made Adrastos somewhat sour but held it himself

'Such feeling need to be buried deep inside, human emotions are disgusting and will only bring misery' He thought

Few people approach him either business or just to chat but he is getting irritated by this one Marquis

"Your highness you have grown into a fine man. Why don't you find a betrothed? If you're looking for one, my daughter here would be. great fit for you" Marquis Lance suggested which made Adrastos kept calm

"Finding a betrothed is such a bother."

" Would you like to have a concubines, a noble or.. commoner perhaps? You can create a royal harem to find a very fitting womam to sit beside you, your highness" He did not stop while Adrastos was keeping his best to not glare at him

"I do not want multiple lovers Marquis Lance, and if ever i choose a commoner they will not last. They're weak after all to even carry my heir. I can rule without a lover to support me" Adrastos spat with venom in his tone which send Marquos Lance to understand what he meant

Marquis Lance immediately excused himself.

He look at the dance floor where Athanasia is, he does plan to have a dance with his 'sister'

"May i have this dance, little princess?" Adrastos said offering his hand to Athanasia which made the latter smile and nod

The scene look so majestic with how the siblings dance

Athanasia was relieved when she hadn't step on Adrastos feet yet but as he sigh in relief her words seems like  jinx she soon stepped on Adrastos right foot

"You look exactly like her but it seems that you do not posses the same talent as her" He said looking at Athanasia teasingly

As soon as the music ends Athanasia quickly excused herself and went to find her father. While Adrastos, he immediately left and transported himself to Liexieng's abode.

"Dad are we proceeding to the plan?"

"Of course son, just a little more time"

to be continued

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