Chapter 6: Incident

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The following morning, I woke up from sleep with a jolt again. Another nightmare—I have been having nightmares for a long time, so I should be used to them by now. But then, these nightmares are always so painful to bear. I catch my breath and wipe my sweat when Ollie nestles on my lap. I look down and smile, but then I realize a person's leg is over me. 

I raise my eyebrow and glance over at a passed-out woman in bed beside me, snoring. I sigh in relief before I roll my eyes and mumble a groan. I then get off the bed with Ollie snuggling in my arms. 

Taylor turns around and groans in her sleep. 

I glower and throw the comforter on her, covering her head-to-toe. 

I look around at the mess she had made last night, with clothes everywhere and vomit on the bathroom floor. My entire room reeks so bad here that I want to hibernate in a cave and let her clean her mess. Annoyed, I push my best friend slightly but earn myself a muffled groan from her before I place a glass of fresh juice and two Advil tablets on the bedside table. 

I then walk out to the kitchen to make some tea.  

Later, I clean my apartment, freshen up, and then make grilled cheese sandwiches with bacon, eggs, and kale smoothies when I hear footsteps, "Ugh, my head is pounding, and I just vomited—" Taylor makes her arrival as she groans. Her appearance is completely dishevelled when she plops on the couch. 

"Did you have the medicine I left for you?" I ask and pour the smoothie into two glasses. 

"I hurled them out too."  Taylor sheepishly clicks her tongue and grins. 

I roll my eyes and say, "Well, let it be. Come and have some food. That'll make you feel better." my best friend tiredly groans but obediently comes and plops her ass on the island counter stool, and I place a plate in front of her and take my seat. We eat in silence because Taylor has a massive hungover. 

After taking a second helping, she looks at me and asks, "Are you going somewhere?"

"Huh?" I frown.

Taylor chews and shrugs, "It's almost weekend, and you are all dressed up. That's why I asked." 

"Oh!" I nod and look down for a moment. 

I am in a pink sweatshirt and denim jeans with sports shoes. 

"I do have a job. I have to bake that cake I ruined, remember?" I reply. 

Understandingly, Taylor bounces back and clicks her tongue, "You'll do the best. I know that." I nod and smack my lips, "Thanks, and I also have to go to the Farmer's market." 

"The Farmer's market? Why?" Taylor coughs and frowns. "Groceries and stuff, nothing much," I respond and take a sip of my chamomile tea.

Taylor narrows her eyes. "You know we have grocery stores for that now, right?"

"I know, but Farmer's market offers fresh produce. Not only that, but I have to look out and buy things for baking—" I say when Taylor clears her throat, "Do you want me to come?"

I roll my eyes and tilt my head as I look at her, "Will you be of any help to me?"

Ashamed, Taylor cheekily grins and stuffs her mouth with food.

"Thought so," I murmur with a smile.


A pale-skinned girl with long layered strawberry blonde hair and a green outfit consisting of a blazer coat and high waist mini skirt paired with pointy heels walks ahead of me and exclaims, "I can't believe you're back." 

A guy in a white dress shirt and grey checkered pants beside her looks at her and scoffs, "Well, here I am—and for good!"

Annoyed, she rolls her eyes and groans, "Ugh! Why are you even back?" 

"Gosh, woman, you got to make up your mind. Are you happy to see me or sad—" he grins, but she hits him and snaps. "Disgusted. Okay?" she breathes out, "I am always disgusted when you're with me." sarcastically.

The guy throws his head back and bursts out laughing. It is like watching a flirting scene in a cliche show where the characters have no idea about the other's feelings.

"By the way, why are we meeting at the Farmer's market?" she crosses her arms and huffs when he casually bumps into a plump man, only to apologize and move forward, and then the guy shrugs. "Well, I just wanted to hang somewhere casual." 

She tilts her head and scoffs, "Seriously—" "Arck!" a plump man crashes into my bags when I lift them to count the items while absentmindedly estimating the money I spent inside my head. 

I bought a lot today.

I gasp.

I stumble and fall, with many items rolling out of my bags. 

"Oh, no!" I immediately grab my things when I raise my eyes and notice the plump man in slight pain and discomfort. But before I can reassure him, something else catches my eye, and I frown.

That's one hell of an expensive wallet the man has got. 

I turn my head and look at this stout man warily, observing how tattered and torn his clothes are. His face is wrinkled and has a wizened yet piteous expression. 

Keys to a Porsche fall out of another pocket, and I note that this man must be a thief. 

Our eyes briefly meet, and with the realization sinking in, he struggles to get up and tries to run when I grab a pumpkin and throw it at him — hitting him in the back of his head, and he sprawls on the ground, noticing everyone around stopping to watch. 

I ask one of the shopkeepers to keep an eye on the thief when I pick up the car keys and wallet from the ground. 

My eyes wander around and, a minute later, land on the person who is most likely to be the owner. 

"Hey, excuse me?"  I shout and struggle to get past the jam-packed street. I luckily stop the guy by grabbing his wrist. 

Startled, he gasps when I halt to catch my breath, "Hey!" 

I raise my eyes and notice the two people frown confusingly at me. 

"Huh, excuse me?" a hot Asian guy asks me. 

I straighten up and let go of his hand as I breathe out, "Here!" handing out his wallet and keys. He gapes at me when I cough up and huff as I explain the situation to him. 

The thief glares at us when the girl gasps and exclaims, "Oh, my! You got your things stolen, woah, how careless are you, Zeke." 

"Shut up, Augustus!" Zeke snaps and then turns to me with a smile, thanking me. 

"It's not a big deal."

I clear my throat and answer, "Your thief is in front of the fruit shop —you should file a complaint against him."

The couple look at me, surprised, when Zeke nods, "Uh, okay!" but before I can leave, he asks me, "Will you be my witness?"

I warily stare at this guy.

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