Chapter 25: Where Did You Go?

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I look at the gift with a satin bow tied to it in front of me, and I sigh.

It is finally Sunday, the day everyone waits a whole year to celebrate: Christmas. Zeke has thrown a party at The Palace Hotel, and I'm amid the hustle and bustle of people getting drunk and having a good time.

Only if she was here with me. 

I slump over in my seat and stare at the air. I know that every person has things they wish to hide from others. I know that she has her secrets, but I thought we were at the stage of opening up to each other already or was I wrong to think that?

"Woah! He is completely out of it." 

"What are you talking about?" 

"Look at him, Ada. Does he look like he is here to party?" 

"Zeke, have some compassion. We don't know where she is, and in such a situation, we should be understanding and supporting him as his friends." 

He scoffs, "I have been supporting him, okay? I have asked everyone I know about a certain brunette." 


Adaline sighs. "What do you say, Garrett?" 

"Well, Alastair hasn't been himself ever since that day," Garrett replies 

Adaline asks, "Have you found something out?" 

Garrett says, "I have asked everyone I know to help. We'll be able to find her eventually."

"This is maddening." Zeke huffs. 

"Shut it, Z." Adaline says. 

Zeke snaps, "He's not even angry. He is just numb, just sitting and staring off into space." 

Garrett clicks his tongue and agrees, "It's infuriating. He has completely shut him down. I am not just worried but scared for him."

"So am I." Adaline takes a deep breath. "It reminds me of the time when I first met him. He used to be like that back in school. Initially, he would never respond and always had that blank look on his face." 

Zeke smacks his lips, "Lily did a number on him."

Adaline sighs, "Love does that." 

Zeke clears his throat and asks, "Do you think Hadley cut Lily off because she wasn't good enough for him?"

Adaline huffs, "Oh, please! Hadley isn't like my mother." 

"Yeah, I don't know what happened, though. Lily and Alastair looked so happy together. I thought things were finally starting to look up for them." It's Garrett.

"Oh, isn't that Adaline and Alastair?"

"Ugh, not again." Adaline groans as they listen to the inebriated crowd clamour about unnecessary talk.

"The 21st century's power couple. The Billionaire CEO weds the Heiress." 

"My family is close to Augustus's family. We're so going to get the invite."

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