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It's been five months now. 

No longer cold, and we have packed away our woollen coats. I am right now wearing an orange cold shoulder crop top and flared denim jeans with white sneakers in this blissful summer heat.

Alastair and I are trying to navigate a long-distance relationship since he is still in London with Rae and her mother for cancer treatment. Hadley Alexander seems to be getting better, and Rae spends all her time with her mother. She graduated from high school with passing colours and has been accepted at Columbia and Stanford. 

It's not only Rae, but I have decided to have a college degree and enrol in CIA. 

I got in, not the CIA, but the Culinary Institute of America.

I have also added some colour to my hair; blue streaks, and I occasionally wear glasses now. I am a full-on college student with a handsome and caring billionaire boyfriend and many friends, old and new.

I have heard that long-distance never work out, or it's very rare, and I intend to make us that rare one. Thanks to 21st-century technology, we have been able to make appearances through video chat dates and phone calls or texts. We share our thoughts, updates and everything about our lives. Unfortunately, we do sometimes banter and quarrel, only to make up in a couple of hours. 

Also, it's not that we can't visit each other. Alastair comes to see me anytime than me, and when we do, we spend every day doing something together, which ends in lovemaking, a good cuddling movie marathon session, or whatever we feel like doing. 

A year ago, I would've never guessed what my life would be like now. I can't believe I smother my happiness for so long, but now I can't be happier. My life has changed, and I am changing with it. Not the events in my life, but how I handle them, my priorities and my sense of drama have changed for the better. 

My parents would be happy with me. I faintly smile when someone snaps fingers at me, "Yo, where you at?"

I blink. "What?" 

"Have you thought about what I said?" she taps her forefingers pleadingly at me, and I roll my eyes and scoff, "Tay, you got to hire a reliable pastry chef, for god sake."

"Well, I am just waiting for someone to graduate her college, and once she does, I will give her a call." she confidently replies. 

I cross my arms and scoff, "As if she even wants to work with you."

"Oh, she will once I give her an excellent incentive—" 

"Nope, she won't." 

I give her a deadpan look and smirk, "She prefers to open her bakery once she is out of college."

"Ugh!" Taylor slumps back and groans. 

"Hola, guys!" Adaline makes an appearance and struts her way to our lunch table. We greet each other amicably as she sits next to me and beams. 

"Oh, so how was Europe? Did you have fun?" I ask. 

"I had more than fun, and man, European guys, are freaking hot!" Adaline exclaims and orders herself a cosmopolitan. 

"Tell me about it." Taylor snorts, and they giggle together. 

I roll my eyes. 

Adaline clears her throat and asks, "So, what's going on with you two?"

Taylor and I glance at each other before I speak, "She has been pleading with me to be her part-time pastry chef for another event." 

My best friend scowls, "And she has been pining over her overseas boyfriend, who clearly has moved on." 

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