Chapter 7: Wistful

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I brush off my skirt and glance at the mirror hanging on the wall when the door opens, and Zara playfully clicks her tongue, "Ooo, someone looks nice. I wonder where she is going?" 

"Is someone finally going on a date?" Raegan teases, and the two girls giggle among each other.

I look over at the girls and shake my head. "No—" 

I look back at my reflection and set my hair bow neatly. "I am just going out." 

I sigh, satisfied with how I turned out.

It's not a date.

Alastair Alexander's secretary contacted me yesterday evening for an update on the cake. Luckily, I had just completed and informed that I would have it delivered today before evening, so here I am with my hair neatly tied in a ponytail.

"Ooo, going out, uh-huh!?" Zara nudges me. I tilt my head and roll my eyes, "Well," I cough, "Going out here means I am going to deliver a cake." She seems to understand me when Rae frowns and butts in, "Since when do we deliver orders to our customers? Don't they come and take their orders from the shop?" 

Zara and I share a knowing look when she scoffs, "We do, but Lily, here, wishes to atone for her mistake by delivering herself."

"But still—"

"Why aren't you at school, Rae?" I interrupt her.

Rae grimaces and shrugs, "It was a half day. So I decided to take a leave today." I frown and part my lips, but she says, "Don't worry, Linda knows about it. She let me have my shift in the noon."


Rae clears her throat, "Now tell me what I miss and why Lily is all dressed up to deliver a three-tiered cake. Huh?" 

The three of us stare at each other, tongue-tied until Zara breaks my reverie by clearing her throat, "Huh?" So I blink and look back at the girls before I straighten up, grabbing my sling bag and then turning to grab the cake box—it's a green box with decorative adhesive stickers and ribbons. 

"I don't have time to waste. I will come in an hour. I did my work and cleaned the kitchen too. The cookies are in the oven, but if you both have something to ask me—" I say.

"Yeah, yeah!" Zara snaps and rolls her eyes as Rae nods and waves defensively, "Lily, you don't need to worry. We have been working here for quite some time, and you know that." 

Zara snickers, "Yup, you worry about safely delivering the cake to the office. Don't daydream and be clumsy." Rae joins her.

Embarrassed, I blush and then bow down respectfully as I move along.


My destination is the headquarters of Alexander Corporation, a vast thirty-story office building with curved glass and steel. Standing in the middle of an enormous glass, steel, and white sandstone lobby, I am fidgety, nervous, and frankly intimidated.

Many attractive and groomed young men and women are smiling and talking pleasantly and sophisticatedly. Watching them walk past me, I feel uncomfortably underdressed in a blush-pink coat paired with a white polka-dot sweater top, black jeans, and nude flats. I wish I had worn something more formal. I gulp and brace myself, walking up to the reception desk where a tall slim blonde woman asks me, "Hello, how can I help you?"

Self-consciously, I tuck a strand of hair behind my ear and clear my throat, "Mr Garrett Wiles asked me to bring a cake—" pretending that nothing intimidates me.

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