Chapter 14: Did I Kiss Him?

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As the morning drags on at the cafe, I only take a break to help the girls at the waiting table and serve coffee. It's mindless work which gives me too much time to think. I glance down at my bright screen, and there it is — Mister: Hey! I want to ask if you are free. If you are, be ready by one.

Did he even take a nap all night or not? 

I sigh. 

I thought Alastair wasn't serious. So what is he planning, why should I be ready by one in the afternoon, and what should I do? 

I look over at the girls. 

They are working hard, although Rae is a little mopey while Zara is her usual cheery self after I tell them, "— I am telling you it's a date."

Rae looks at me and sulks more as she groans, "Ugh, why are you going out with my brother?"

Before I can reply, Zara huffs, "Stop being pessimistic, Raegan. What is it with you?"

Rae shrugs, "I don't know."

"What do you mean by that?" Zara scoffs.

Rae sighs, "Well, I don't want you to date my brother, Lily."

I raise my gaze and look at her when Zara retorts, "Okay, what's wrong with Lily dating Alastair? They are both adults, and it's up to their feelings for each other—" Rae cuts her off, "It's not that. It's just I told Alastair that Lily is off-limits."

"Why did you do that?" Zara frowns.

Rae argues, "Because she's too good for anyone. I don't want someone I look up to date someone I have known my whole life. It's like watching your favourite actor dating or getting married." silence settles over in the room when her words ring in my head— "I am trying to protect her heart." "She doesn't let people in easily."

Zara breaks the silence and snorts, "You know it's the shittiest excuse I have ever heard, right?"

"I know—"

"But since you are still young, I am willing to understand, but you should know that you can't dictate to people what you want from them." she lectures as Rae sighs in defeat when I step up and turn to her, "Rae! You don't have to worry about anything. Nothing's going on between your brother and me because we are—" I state reassuringly, only for Zara to cut in, "What? Just friends?"

I frown and nod when she scoffs, "You've got to be kidding me. There is a universal rule that a girl and a guy can never be friends. One or other has to have feelings for the other."

I roll my eyes, "It's not necessary—" that's when the door chimes open.

"Hey!" Zara welcomes the newcomer when I turn my head and find Taylor strutting her way in.

"What are you talking about?" Taylor asks.

Before I can reply, Zara scoffs, "Ooo, Lily believes that Alastair Alexander didn't ask her out but wants to hang out as friends."

Offended, I frown as the two girls pass me a smug expression and shake their heads.

"Aww, Lily, aren't you being too naive? Did being with me never teach you anything?" Taylor teases me.

I roll my eyes as she makes small talk with the girls before she turns to me, "Shall we go?"

I raise my brow, "Don't you have work?"

"Well, how can I work when my best friend is going on a date?" Taylor retorts.

I scowl, "It's not a date."

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