Chapter 17: Taylor Swift and Cotton Candies

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"Oh, so let me replay! You went to Paris with him, kissed him, and then said that it was a mistake only to spend an entire day and kiss him again, huh?" Taylor states.

I look over from the bowl of dough and narrow my eyes as I huff, "No need to be judgy, Tay!"

"Hey, I am not judging you." she defends, but I roll my eyes and scoff, "Oh, really? Try talking to me without that smug expression, then."

Her smirk widens as she jumps down from the counter and paces in the kitchen. "But, in all seriousness, I am proud of you."

I pour the cake dough into the tin container after greasing it with butter as I ask, "Of what?"

She shrugs, "I am proud and happy to see you taking a chance to find your happiness. It's good to see you smile brightly as you mean it, and not just a pretend one."

"Uh, thanks," I mumble.

"So, how's the relationship going? I want you to tell me everything—"

I snap, interrupting her, "It's not a relationship."

Taylor frowns, "What do you mean? Haven't you told him that what you said before wasn't a mistake? Aren't you going out? Haven't you guys kissed?"

"Is it necessary to get into a relationship just because the two people kissed?"

"Dang!" Taylor exclaims, "Who are you, and what have you done with Lily?"

I roll my eyes, "I don't mean it that way. It's just I don't think we are going out—"

That's when a voice behind us intervenes, "You don't?"

I freeze in my position and look over at Taylor, murmuring, "Please, tell me it isn't who I think it is?"

A face appears sideways and startles me, "Oh, it is who you think it is."

"Alastair!" I gasp and turn over when I stumble, but he holds me by my waist and engulfs my wrist in his hand as we lock eyes.

His blue eyes flicker a sparkle, and I almost lose myself in them when Taylor butts in, "Oh, hey, I am still here lovebirds!" 

Flushed, I pull away when she coughs up and scoffs, "Oops, sorry, I mean unofficial lovebirds."

I roll my eyes and turn to face her, "Tay!?"

She winks at me before she looks at Alastair, "It's the first time I think we see each other informally."

He greets and agrees with her amiably.

"So, did you hear us?"

"Taylor!" I hush and glare at my best friend.

Alastair looks back and forth between us before he clears his throat and pouts, "Unfortunately, yes! I heard it all, and how the girl I like is playing with my feelings."

"I am not playing with your feelings," I state.

Taylor crosses her arms and exclaims, "Oh, really!?"

I narrow my eyes at her when Alastair tilts his head and lifts a hand, "Oh, hi, I am Alastair, the guy you kissed twice, yet you think we are not going out!" he then looks at my friend, "Has she always been like such a player?"

"No, I have never seen this side of her. She has always been pure and innocent, just like her name suggests." Taylor replies mockingly.

Annoyed, I purse my lips in a thin line and narrow my eyes as they snicker at each other when I snap, "Oh, so you two are having so much fun at my cost." 

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