19 - Worry

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As they are riding the bike Enid shouts out "Tyler hold onn, wait for mee, my legs hurtt" as she is yawning.

"Oh cmon? Don't you want to save your relationship?" Tyler teases her. "YES, YES I DO, MY LEGS DONT HURT ANYMORE" She says as she smiles.

After a verryyyy long time, they finally arrive at the Addams Family manor. Enid jumps off her bike immediately as she runs to the big door. But she waits for Tyler before knocking.

"Wait.. how did u even know the way here?" Enid suddenly asks. "Magic" Tyler responds as he has a shocked face.

Enid breathes in and knocks. Wednesday seems to open the door, as she stands there in shock because she sees Enid covered in mud of the many falls on the bike.

Tyler stands behind her as he looks at Wednesday with a disappointed look. "Wednesday i am really really sorry for what i have said and i would really like to apology for what i have done and calling u bad words so here i am apologising to you Wednesday Addams i am truly sorry and-" Enid rambles before Wednesday drags her in the manor, leaving Tyler outside on purpose probably.

She drags her with her collar, leading her to the bathroom, where she gets a napkin and begins to clean Enid's face, without saying anything.

Enid is blushing hardly, as she stares at Wednesday lips, but she soon lets it go because she remembers that they just broke up. "Did you really come all the way here just to say sorry.?" She says in a cold tone.

Enid looks her in the eyes, where she notices that they are all red and puffy. "Did you cry a while ago?" She asks as she completely ignores Wednesdays question.

Wednesdays eyes widen. "Didn't think I'd care about you that much." She says. "I did not mean anything i said, i just.. lost control of my emotions and then suddenly... it happened."

"I ruined everything Enid. I should be the one who's saying sorry" She says as she puts her hand on top of Enid's. "So.. you didn't even mean the ex.. thing?.." Enid asks.

"Never, you'll always be my girlfriend, never with an ex in it." Wednesday says as she pulls Enid into a kiss.

Enid puts her hand on Wednesdays cheek. "Also i scratched my knee and it hurts, can you please blow on it." Enid says.

Wednesday sighs after that.

Wednesday sighs after that

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