71 - War

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Wednesday and Enid are desperately searching the whole forest with being close together and having their flashlights on, because most of sunlight doesn't reach inside of the forest.

Wednesday then walks over to sit on broken and old tree, and as she touches it she gets a vision. Wednesday falls to the ground, and in her vision she sees Ms.Thornhill and Tyler in front of the abandoned building where Joseph Crackstone was brought back to life.

Wednesday snaps back from the vision and she finds herself in Enid's hands, "Thought you actually passed out for a second" Enid says with a chuckle as a sign of relief.

Wednesday gulps nervously. "Tyler and Ms.Thornhill, they are in the abandoned building." Wednesday says as she gets up from Enid's arms and gets her compass out of her pocket. "We need to go north." Wednesday says, and she begins to speed walk.

Enid walks by her side, and is looking around, admiring the beauty of the forest. She then suddenly thinks to herself, what will happen after they win? What will they do after that? Will they finally live a normal teenage life? It just seems unbelievable to her, it's like if there always was a new adventure to come up, but she can't think of any new one after they have successfully defeated Tyler and Ms.Thornhill.

Wednesday's mind is clearly the opposite, the thought of defeat fears her, surprisingly. But she also thinks that there will be a new adventure after this, it's like if she cannot get a break. She snaps from her thoughts as Thing crawls from her backpack on her shoulder and rests on it. 'At least Thing is always here with us.' Wednesday thinks to herself.

They stop right in front of the abandoned building, and Enid connects her hand with Wednesday's as fear strikes down her spine. Wednesday looks at the ground and takes a deep breath.

"Let's go." Wednesday says as the girls step into the building.

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