Not an Update!

2.9K 76 44

I always knew the day would come for me to say this, and it pains me much.

This story is slowly flopping and not gaining much attention like it used to. But! I am very happy for all the stories that made it to the top after me:) After all.. you can't be in the 1st place for the rest of your life.

And this sadly leads me to ending this story WAY TOO SOONER. I planned for this to have at-least 150 chapters but I will only make it to 70-100.

And I must admit that it's for sure getting pretty boring, isn't it?

Oh lord I remember the sweet old days while writing the first chapters and screaming around my room because this fanfic hit 1,08k reads:) I will miss these moments forever with you guys, but we shall think of the better.

Still a lot more chapters to come, and still a lot more of your guys silly fights of who is going to comment first... I love you all so much that I am not even able to put it into words!

Just remember, when this will end, let it die. There will be no parts 2 for this story, BUT I have other wenclair stories that u can check.!

I hope you will all understand my decision and have a good time! - Your dear author, Sophey.

also look at what the chapters names spell out!:D

Wenclair - The beginning Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora