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The girls have woken up a while ago, and Wednesday is ready to leave to her house. "Y'know.. You are always welcome here." Enid says to Wednesday with a smile.

Wednesday doesn't hesitate and she goes to hug Enid before she leaves. "If anything happens then contact me, immediately." Wednesday says in a serious tone.

Enid nods as she pulls away from the hug. "Make it home safely!" Enid says as she waves to Wednesday.

Wednesday goes into the car and tells Lurch to ride home. Wednesday throughout the whole ride was thinking about Crackstone and what could be leading to the future.

'Goody, will you even help me with this?' She sighs.

Goody doesn't seem to want to communicate today, which just makes everything harder for Wednesday.

As they reach the house Wednesday is hugged by Pugsley. "I still wanna play Fortnite with you." He says.

"Never." Wednesday responds as she waits for Pugsley to pull back. As soon as he does Morticia makes sure Wednesday is safe and that nothing happened to her.

"You clearly underestimate me, mother. I am capable of taking care of myself, I don't need you to check on me constantly." Wednesday says coldly as she walks to her room as her shoulder brushes against Morticia's on the way.

She closes the door and goes to sit on her bed as she sighs. 'Who could be behind all of this..?' Wednesday thinks to herself.

'One of the people u very much know. Seek them and follow them because the reason is unknown.' Goody whispers in Wednesday's mind.

'Since when do you rhyme every sentence..' Wednesday weirdly replies to Goody, but she lets that go right away. She instead focuses on the people she knows.

'Goody oh my god if you want revenge then at-least tell me who it is?!' Wednesday sighs disappointedly.

'I myself do not know. But the closest person of my suspicions is Ms.Thornhill.' Goody says in a annoyed tone.

'Ms.Thornhill!? Why would she do something like that? She doesn't even seem to be involved in this?' Wednesday rambles to Goody.

'The evil hides the best.' Goody replies.

Wednesday closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. 'Fine then, I will try to seek and follow Ms.Thornhill if you say so.' Wednesday responds as the end of the conversation.

'So.. the break ends soon, which means once I arrive at Nevermore I will instantly have to find Ms.Thornhill, let's see if it's her.' Wednesday thinks to herself.

Wenclair - The beginning Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora