43 - The

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"Enid, i promised to speak to you about anything that bothers me, but right now there's nothing like that, so no need to worry" Wednesday lies to Enid, she is regretting it tho..

Enid stares at her for a minute. "Okay!" She smiles as she says so. Wednesday then leans in to give her a kiss, and she does. Right after she leans out she has a vision.

The vision is fully black, she can only hear a painful howl.

When she finally snaps out of it, she looks at Enid worriedly. "Woah, did you just have a seizure?" Enid asks nervously.

Wednesday gets up and runs away from the dorm. She goes behind a corner and tries to communicate with the weird voice.

'What. Does. This. Mean.' Wednesday thinks to herself, hoping that the voice would answer. "It's a foreshadowing silly" The female voice responds to Wednesday, with a chuckle.

Wednesday lets out a deep sigh. She then sees Mrs Thornhill walking up to her.

"Hey Wednesday! I see that you got really comfy here in Nevermore" Mrs Thornhill says to Wednesday, while smiling at her.

Ms Thornhill then places her hand on Wednesday's shoulder. "I'm really glad you like this place." Mrs Thornhill says to her.

But at the moment she touches Wednesday's shoulder.. Wednesday gets another vision. She sees a man dresses in black with a knife.

After she tilts her head back down, she immediately runs away from Mrs Thornhill. But then she notices that everything around her is oddly.. blue and black. She realises she is still in the vision.

She turns around and sees a girl with blonde hair, in braids. She also notices that she is really similar to herself.

"Are you.. the female voice from my head?" Wednesday curiously asks.

"Please call me Goody, Goody Addams." She answers.

Wednesday's eyes widen. "You are.. my ancestor?" She asks Goody.

"I indeed am, and i am here to warn you, warn you about your future, seek the answer, fear the ending." Goody says before disappearing.

Wednesday finally snaps out of the vision and Ms Thornhill is weirdly looking at her. "Oh my god, i thought u died for a minute!" She says as she chuckles.

"Yeah.. i thought so too."

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