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Authors note : I did decide to not add Xavier into this last chapter, because all of the things that are going on with Percy right now, once everything gets settled i'll either add him, or keep him removed. (No hate against Xavier's character, it's just all Percy.)

Today is the day when the break is starting!

Enid and Wednesday get up from Enid's bed, because they cuddled the whole night. Enid happily gets ready, and so does Wednesday.

After they get changed and do their normal morning routine, Enid has decided to curl the ends of her hair a little meanwhile Wednesday was packing.

It was 10 AM by the time the girls have finished packing. They decide to get out of their dorm and spend time with their friends, near the gates of Nevermore.

"Hey y'all!" Enid shouts at the friend group as she can already see them in the distance. "Hiii!!" Yoko shouts back, Enid runs up to Yoko and hugs her, as she greets the whole group. Wednesday not so long after arrives at the spot too, and gives a welcome high-five to everyone.

Looking at it back, Wednesday has gotten very social and comfortable at her friend group, and she is very grateful that she finally got to fit in somewhere, she is grateful that these people have been with her since the start, she is grateful that they exist.

They will see each other after the break, but Eugene still almost cries because he will miss everyone, mostly his bees.

"Is there anything you wanna do after you get back here?" Bianca asks out of curiosity, an question for everyone.

"I wanna bake something together! Like a giant cupcake!" Ajax says, and Enid smiles and agrees.

"I want to try a swimming competition with y'all." Divina says, Yoko puts a hand on her shoulder, and shakes her head. But Bianca agrees.

"I want to go fishing with you guys, it will be so chaotic." Yoko says with a chuckle and the group nods their head. "We will probably catch a shoe maximum." Eugene groans.

"Anyways, I want you to all try to become closer with my bees!!!" Eugene says with a huge smile, Enid looks at him weirdly, she is not very comfortable with bees, but she agrees anyway.

"I just want to spend time with you guys, that's all." Wednesday says, "Yeah me too." Enid and Bianca say at the exact same time, which leaves them to giggle.

Wednesday spots some students already leaving, then she sees that principal Weems is heading over to them. "Hello, hello!" Weems says with a smile on her face.

"Good morning principal Weems!" Everyone says at the same time, which leaves Weems chuckling. "Ah, I will miss you all." She says, Wednesday looks at her and softly smiles, but quickly stops before Weems notices her. "We will miss you too." Enid says as she pops her werewolf ears out for no reason.

A car horn can be heard, "Oh, that's my mums!" Eugene says with a sad but happy look on his face. He quickly rushes over to Wednesday and hugs her tightly. "I will miss you Wednesday!" He says as he sniffs, trying to not cry. He then hugs everyone else and runs over to his car in front of the gates of The Nevermore Academy.

"Well, I will leave you alone now, and have a happy break!" Principal Weems says as she smiles and walks away.

"Yo me and Divina going away soon too." Yoko says. Ajax whistles, "So you two are going to be going into the same house for the break hmmm" He teases Yoko.

"Hey! It's nothing like that!" Divina blushes as she looks angrily at Ajax, Yoko just laughs it off. "What about you two, going to the same house for the break too?" Ajax asks Wednesday and Enid.

"No, but we will visit each other often." Wednesday smirks at Enid, and she winks. Enid looks away as her face turns red quickly. "Woah are y'all planning to have something.. more?" Yoko says with a proud face.

"OH MY GOSH YOKO NO." Enid shouts of embarrassment as she turns even more red, this time Wednesday blushes too, she takes a deep breath to answer. "No, please never ask such an cringe and embarrassing question like that again."

"Mehh okay" Yoko says as she rubs the back of her neck. Ajax looks at his phone. "Ah, shit I gotta go." He says with a sad sigh, "Can I hug you Wednesday?" Wednesday looks at him coldly, but then slowly nods. After all, he got to hug her, which is his biggest accomplishment of life.

He then says bye to everyone else and leaves calmly. "So it's just us 4 left now." Enid says, "No shit sherlock" Yoko says with a yawn. "Anyways, we will get going, bye bye lovebirds, don't make out every second." Divina says as she giggles.

Enid and Wednesday say bye to them as they watch them leave.

"Should we go wait in front of the gate?" Enid suggests, and Wednesday agrees. The girls walk to the spot and look at the magnificent Nevermore.

"Such a beautiful place, and yet so many stories about it. Both good and bad ones." Wednesday says, she then can feel Enid's hand connecting with hers. "I'm happy that I got to spend my half of the year here." Enid says with a happy sigh, "And I'm happy that I got to meet so much people here." she adds.

Wednesday kneels down and picks up a very colourful rose while still holding Enid's hand, the rose is both orange and a little bit pink. "That's beautiful!" Enid says as she looks over at the rose. Wednesday stands back up and she holds the rose carefully.

She then disconnects her hand with Enid's as she begins to peel off every petal off the rose, one by one. It was very windy. As if she was whispering something each time she let a petal fly away. Not so long time after, she was just left with a green part. She threw that part down.

She then could hear 2 cars driving up and making a horn sound. "Oh." The girls said at the same time. They both look at each other, their hair flies to one side as the wind is becoming strong.

The girls just stare at each other, with their hands connected, hair flying everywhere, cars waiting. Wednesday gently places her lips on Enid's, how romantic it must be kissing in front of the Nevermore's gates..

Enid pulls away and places her right hand on Wednesday's cheek. Wednesday can notice that Enid's eyes are becoming watery, so she right away hugs her as she whispers to her ear. "Don't cry my love."

Enid sobs as she melts into the hug. "Come on, it's just a short break..." Wednesday says as she holds back her tears. Eventually their hug ends, "I'll miss you." Enid says as she rubs her eye. "I'll miss you too." Wednesday says as she suddenly lets one tear strike down her cheek. Enid places one last kiss on Wednesday's cheek as the girls then go separate ways into their cars.

Enid gets into her car and immediately tears up again. "Ughhh I'll miss her so much!!" Enid groans as she sniffs.

Wednesday enters the car and sighs deeply. "After I got expelled from my last school, you, my parents said that I will join Nevermore, that it's a magical place, for someone like me."

"And you were right."

======== .The End. ========

Wenclair - The beginning حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن