76 - End

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TW : gore (yeah they can't get a break😜)

A week has passed since the fight has happened, students with Wednesday are back at Nevermore, Tyler is still on the loose with Thing and Enid has just been released from the hospital and made her way back to Nevermore.

Wednesday is sitting in the dorm, writing on her typewriter while focusing on when is Tyler gonna attack again. She suddenly hears the door open, and she turns around to look at the door.

It's Thing crawling very fast to Wednesday as he stops in front of her. "I know you were coming back, Thing." Wednesday says as she smiles slightly. He quickly moves his hands multiple ways, trying to say something. The only words that Wednesday gets from these quick movements are : "Tyler, Coming, Nevermore, Danger, Forest way"

These words were enough for Wednesday to understand. She stands up from her chair and quickly puts Thing in her hands. As she begins to run out of the dorm, she meets Enid just entering the dorm with multiple bags. She is happy to see Enid back, but all she says is "Enid, wait here I'll return soon! Tyler is here!"

She then runs out of Nevermore. Enid drops her bags to the ground as she shockingly zones out. 'Is she stupid? I can't let her get hurt!' Enid thinks to herself as she rushes out of the dorm, following Wednesday.

Wednesday is still running fast to the forest, but Enid had to slow down a little, after all she just got out of the hospital and the scars are hurting her more and more each time she runs. Eventually she catches up to her, somehow. Wednesday notices her as they are already slowing down as they entered the forest. "Enid. What are you doing here." Wednesday says as she looks into Enid's eyes as she stops walking.

Enid also stops and looks at Wednesday. "I'll always fight with you, Wednesday. I can't risk you fighting somewhere out of my reach especially with the hyde!" Enid explains as she worriedly fidgets with her hands.

"Enid, you have just returned from the hospital, you can't fight yet. And do you remember what happened the last time we both fought the hyde? I almost killed you, and I don't want to hurt you again." Wednesday says to Enid as she sighs.

"Looks like I have arrived at the perfect time, when you two are against each other, hm?" The familiar voice of Tyler says, he is completely healed, and dressed. The girls both look at him with a death stare. "How are you still alive?!" Enid shouts at him, as her claws pop out.

Tyler chuckles as he looks at the ground. "As I said, I won't stop until I avenge my master." He says as he shrugs. "Tyler. Why do you want to avenge Mrs.Thornhill, I know the full story, she manipulated you into this whole thing. She groomed you Tyler." Wednesday says to him and he looks at her with a painful look. "Tyler, just stop and everything will be alright." Wednesday says, well of course he will be sent to jail but.. that's alright.

He groans as his eyes begin to get bigger. The girls take a few steps back. "No!!." He yells as he shouts and transforms into the hyde. "Do we really have to do this again." Wednesday says as she sighs.

Wednesday places Thing onto the floor as she grabs a knife out of her pocket. "Go call principal Weems here." She says to Thing, and he immediately begins to quickly crawl to Nevermore. "Enid, whatever you do, don't transform, it could damage your health really badly right now." Wednesday suggests to Enid, and Enid just sighs and nods her head.

The hyde looks at them and growls, Wednesday just quickly throws the knife in between his eyes which makes him scream, close his eyes and struggle to get it out. Enid then runs over to him and slices his his stomach repeatedly, leaving him bleeding out. He falls to the ground, laying on his stomach. Enid gets on his back and slices the back of his neck. "Seems like he wasn't ready for this." Enid says as she giggles.

Wednesday stares at her in awe for a second, until she begins to kick his head repeatedly. "Alright, he fainted." Wednesday says as she takes a step back, and Enid jumps off his back. "Damn, I will need a manicure." She says as she whimpers at her claws.

Principal Weems arrives just in time, Tyler is already de-transforming, many police sirens and cars are also heard and the Sheriff is the one to see Tyler the first.

He sighs in sadness as he picks Tyler's body up and before he drives off he lets the other policemen chain him up, and while they are doing that, he talks to Wednesday and Enid, thanking them for finally capturing the monster, but the pain in his voice can be heard, he is so disappointed that the monster is actually his son.

"So.. This is it.?" Wednesday says quietly. "It's all over now?."

Enid looks at her confusedly, but after a while she gets it. "Oh, yeah. It's all over now." She says.

"I can't believe it. It was always like a new adventure was always here, but.. there is no other thing to do now. All we can do is just, live our teenage lives and.. There is nothing else anymore." Wednesday rambles as she looks at the ground and smiles at Thing who is trying to crawl up on her.

"Well, we won, that's the main thing isn't it..?" Enid says as she chuckles and happily goes over to hug Wednesday tightly. "We won.." Wednesday says as she pulls away from the hug and immediately kisses Enid.

Principal Weems stares at them and smiles. "I'm proud of you girls." She says.

Oh but who knew... maybe Tyler will get away from the police after all?

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