78 - This

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The next day, after both Enid's and Wednesday's classes, they decided to have a little movie evening in their dorm.

The middle of their dorm has a whole pillow and blanket bunker ready, with Enid's laptop and Netflix on it, they also have popcorn and some soda.

Wednesday goes to lock the door, so nobody can barge into their dorm like always. She then walks over to Enid who is already in their bunker and laying there waiting for Wednesday.

The girls settle in and the movie starts playing. It's not a horror one, so Wednesday isn't that much interested in it, but she still watches it for Enid.

When the movie is about to end, Enid is already yawning. "This was boring.." She says, Wednesday looks at her. "Getting sleepy already? It's only 7PM." Wednesday says to Enid.

"Sorryyy, I guess I didn't sleep much last night." Enid says as she yawns again. Wednesday snuggles up to Enid and cuddles with her, being the big spoon this time. Wednesday kisses Enid on the head and whispers "You can sleep if you want to." to Enid.

Enid happily buries her head into Wednesday's chest as she closes her eyes and is ready to fall asleep. Wednesday plays with Enid's colourful hair, as she admires it. Enid then suddenly raises her head back up and looks at Wednesday.

"Is something wrong?" Wednesday curiously asks with a straight face. "You forgot a goodnight kiss!" Enid huffs as she cups Wednesday's face and connects her warm lips with Wednesday's cold ones. Wednesday gets butterflies in her stomach, and Enid smiles through the kiss. The kiss is very long, and Enid pulls out to breathe, she then buries her head back down and says "Goodnight!" to Wednesday happily. Wednesday falls asleep not so long after.

(Hi guys! Sorry for the short chapter, next time will also be a little bit of fluff since you guys are literally BEGGING for it.)

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