When the world decides it's time for him to leave | Jay

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"I have to admit it, your drawing skills have improved. You could barely draw a dick just a month ago." You mutter while you and your childhood friend paint on the town’s walls.

"Practice makes perfect," Jay says before he notices how wrong his statement sounded and could only laugh at himself. “You get what I mean.”

You were well aware of the shape your night would take when Jay called you just before you were about to sleep.

He sounded a little bitter even if he tried his best to force joy in his tone as he asked you if you had time for a little adventure.

Not able to say no, now you find yourself with spray paint in your hand in a dark alley in your hometown while laughing along with your childhood friend.

Days like these are when you just live and ignore everything in your life.

Visiting your hometown was a good idea because you’re exhausted from working and studying and worrying about your life.

However, Jay’s smile feels like a sigh of relief. It almost makes you feel that it’s alright to slow down and breathe for a moment.

“What if the cops arrest us again?” You mutter, but deep down you don’t really care.

“They won’t. Officer Lee is the only one who catches us every time but he has changed posts so he’s out of town.” He speaks, his gaze glued on the wall and on his drawings.

“I’m grateful for your belief in me, Mr. Park, but don’t you think it isn’t the best place and time for a jog?”

The familiar tone of the officer makes you widen your eyes. Talk about the devil and he is bound to appear.


Officer Lee closes the door of the jail as he folds his arms over his chest and stares at the two of you in amusement.

“It’s been a while since I saw you here, Y/N.” He says and you look at Jay who was looking at his fingers.

“You’ve been doing this while I’m away?” You scoff and look back at the officer. “I can’t promise for regular visits.”

“What’s going on between you two?” He raises an eyebrow and you glance at Jay.

“What do you mean? We’re friends.” You say and the officer chuckles.

“He’s whipped for you and you tell me you’re friends-”

“Hey.” Jay stands up and stands closer to the door. “Shut up, okay?”

“That’s not what you told me when you got drunk.” Officer Lee smiles knowingly and you just look at Jay in confusion. “We’re drinking buddies.”

“I go back and you become friends with our sworn enemy?” You scoff. “You’re unbelievable.”

“We met at the hospital when he was-” Officer Lee starts but freezes when Jay looks at him coldly.

“The hospital? Were you sick?” Worry is written all over your face when you look at Jay but the officer looks at you with wide eyes.

“You didn’t tell her…?” The words make you frown deeper while Jay looks away and gulps. “You didn’t.”

“He didn’t tell me what?” You approach the officer but he shakes his head and looks away.

“You’re staying here for a few hours, maybe you two can talk about it.” His words linger in your mind for a few seconds while you watch him walk away.

“Jay?” When you look back at him, his eyes are glistening. “What’s wrong? You’re… scaring me.”

“Y/N, I…” You watch while he struggles to let it out. “I have… I don’t have much time left.”

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