When you hate your boss but it's an enemies-to-lovers | Heeseung

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Heeseung. Heeseung. Heeseung. Heeseung. Heeseung. Heeseung.

You curse his name with each breath you take because he's been getting on your nerves lately and you can't live without him being annoying.

It seems as though he exists solely to test your patience, pushing your buttons at every turn. But strangely enough, amidst the irritation, there's a part of you that can't imagine a world without his exasperating presence.

You sigh heavily, resting your head on your desk. The worst thing is that he's your boss, and no matter how much you hate him, he has more power so you can't really do anything.

You'd rather suck it up than get fired and lose the job you worked so hard for. So, enduring his annoyances is a necessary evil.

Looking up from your desk and at his office, you find him looking at you and you widen your eyes when he points directly at you, his beckoning finger a command you can't ignore.

"Idiot." You mutter under your breath but still stand up to make your way to him, your heart beating so fast from how nervous you are.

You hate how annoying he is, but you also hate how he can read you like an open book.

You take a deep breath, reminding yourself to stay composed despite your irritation. With a forced smile plastered on your face, you knock gently on his office door.

"Come in," he calls out, his voice carrying a tone that indicates he's fully aware of the effect he has on you.

Pushing open the door, you step into the room, taking note of his scrutinizing gaze as he leans back in his chair. Heeseung has always had a knack for observing people, honing in on their weaknesses and vulnerabilities.

It's as if he thrives on pushing boundaries and seeing how far he can push you before you break.

"What do you need, sir?" You ask, trying to maintain a respectful tone.

Heeseung raises an eyebrow, a sly grin tugging at the corner of his lips. "Oh, nothing much. I just wanted to discuss the new project deadline. I think we can make it tighter, don't you agree?"

Your heart sinks at his suggestion. You had been hoping for a more relaxed timeline to alleviate some of the stress. But you know arguing with him would be futile, and it might even invite more trouble.

So, you force yourself to nod and respond with a strained, "Sure, I'll do my best to meet the new deadline."

"I knew I could count on you," He says, his eyes never leaving yours. "After all, you're the most reliable one here."

It takes all your willpower to maintain a neutral expression, resisting the urge to retort with a biting remark. Instead, you offer a tight-lipped smile and make a swift exit, eager to escape his presence and gather your composure.

As you return to your desk, frustration wells up inside you. You run your fingers through your hair and almost scream if the little conscience you have left doesn't stop you.

"Why would he even..." You mutter, typing furiously on the keyboard that it makes people around you turn their heads.

What? Does he hate you this much? Your friend's response makes you roll your eyes and sigh. You can't do anything anymore, he's a lost cause.

As you sit at your desk, the lingering effects of the encounter still prickling at your skin, you struggle to make sense of it all. He's good to everyone but you, which frustrates you even more.

You were always a hardworking person, and you always achieved every almost-impossible goal he set for you so why?

When you glance his way, he's talking on the phone while his gaze is glued to you. You mentally scoff and look away, plucking in your earphones before you start working.

And yet, you're interrupted once again when you look down and see red dots on your beige skirt. You quickly stand up, looking down at it before you realize that blood is dripping out of your nose.

"Shit." You curse under your breath, your heart pounding as panic surges through your veins. The sudden onset of the nosebleed catches you off guard, but you quickly reach for a tissue and press it against your nose, trying to stem the flow.

"Are you okay?" Heeseung's voice makes you freeze before you turn to him, and his eyes widen. "B-blood..."

"I'm fine. It's just a nosebleed-" Before you know it, his arm is under your legs and he's carrying you while you cling to him with one arm and hold the tissue with the other. "Put me d-down!"

He doesn't, and everyone in the office is having the time of their lives while watching this weird, somehow funny, encounter.

Everyone knew about the tension between the two of you. Everyone noticed how Heeseung looks at you, apart from yourself.

Finally, Heeseung reaches the office's small break area, where he gently sets you down on a couch, his touch lingering for a moment longer than necessary. As he steps back, you release a shaky breath, trying to regain your composure.

"I-I said I'm fine. You didn't have to... carry me like that."

"I know you said you're fine, but you're not fine at all. I couldn't just stand still while you were struggling-"

"I wonder why. I wonder why I'm so stressed that I get a freaking nosebleed. I've never got a nosebleed before, and this skirt is still new." You sigh, feeling overly emotional and sensitive.

Heeseung's eyes soften as he listens to your words, his brows furrowing with concern. The weight of your frustration and vulnerability hangs heavy in the air.

"I'm sorry." He says softly, his voice filled with genuine remorse. "I never wanted to be the cause of your stress or discomfort. I... I didn't realize you felt this way."

"Do you think you can like me a little?" You mutter and he keeps looking at you, his eyes so soft it breaks your heart.

"Do you think I don't like you?" His words make you freeze.

"I... I don't think you could," You admit. "Our interactions, the constant clashes... It's hard to believe that you could feel anything other than dislike towards me."

He crouches in front of you, his hands resting on both sides of the chair. "I won't deny that I've been anything but good to you, but I've watched you, admired you from afar, even when our words were laced with venom."

His words sink into your consciousness and the thought that he had been observing you, even during the moments of tension and hostility, tugs at your heartstrings.

"I didn't realize." You mutter and he reaches to hold the tissue for you. It makes your heart skip a beat.

Heeseung's touch is surprisingly gentle as he takes the tissue from your hand, his fingertips brushing against yours. His actions speak volumes, offering comfort and support in a way you never expected.

"There's so much more to you than meets the eye... the passion, the determination, the way you stand up for what you believe in... It's captivating."

Your eyes meet his, and at that moment, the barriers between you begin to crumble. The tension that once defined your relationship is replaced with a fragile understanding.


"I'm sorry about the nosebleed, and I'm sorry about your skirt. It looks beautiful on you, it's a shame it's stained." There's a hint of regret in his eyes as if he wishes he could undo the incident that caused it.

"It's just a skirt," You reply softly but he shakes his head.

"But you love it." You pause, momentarily taken aback by his observation. He's right. You do love that skirt, and the fact that he remembers something so seemingly insignificant touches your heart.

"Yes, I do love it. But perhaps we can find a replacement. It's the thought that counts."

"Consider it done," He smiles. "I'll make sure you have a skirt that's even more beautiful and suits your style perfectly."

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